Poems 1972-1982
Poems 1972-1982
(A New Directions paperbook, 913)
New Directions Book, 2001
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes index
- The freezing of the dust
- Life in the forest
- Candles in Babylon
Three of Denise Levertov's classic volumes, now available in a single edition. Here gathered for the first time in a single edition are three of Denise Levertov's finest books: The Freeing of the Dust (1975), Life in the Forest (1978), and Candles in Babylon (1982). This new compilationbeginning where Denise Levertov's Poems 1968-1972 left offtestifies not only to Levertov's technical mastery, but also to her spiritual vision, especially in regard to the Vietnam War. Some of Levertov's best war poems, the result of her visit to North Vietnam in 1972, are contained in this marvelous collection. Poems 1972-1982 enables readers to observe a crucial phase in Levertov's poetic development. At the same time, it illuminates Robert Creeley's assessment that she "was a constantly defining presence in the world we shared, a remarkable and transforming poet for all of us."
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