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! II i i i i ? ! ; t ! f : t I I J i fi i 1 1 :1YTtT 0. T,1"" ?9C F 3 - St 3 - I 5 T Tk MOW' O i -J 3 si VOLUME IV. KlfOXVILLE, TEOT, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1867. NUMBER 14. She EuoxiuIU Itig, By S7 is rctuuin wiuli LHOWNLOW & HAWS. 'NE YEAR. pavatl Icvarially In advaac,,. 3 l"1 SIX MOSI'JIS, ' ' . " " IW ' subscription will t received fit a lews J-ei iod thaa Six Mouth. llenilttanoca caa b mad through tbo OflSos, al the riaa. -f the rublisber. when the receipt of the rostmaater is taken t.r tha amount forwarded. Orders for cnAvr.i of niatcrios mwt Rive Office, ' o tr and Mnt to which the pier baa bw and I to li"1- ... I 00 ...15 l0 ...20 00 Rain f AITslflnT. on souar. tea line Nob pares!, lnc-rtuii Kacb ooutiunatioa f aan advertisement on aquare, aiz months, i.rr.T di.counM Twin to th, who advert., lib- 'Tani oa iwrscaa t toa candidate will Us inserted a rtli-r advertisements, to be paid for invariably in advance. . All advertisement on which the number of iuaertlons ii not marked, "ill published till roaain, and charged accordltRly. Advertisement will be eoueidered ana when inserted, aieept ,i10W with whom w keep regular account. So advertwemeut from a distance will be inserted unleea ac reiuiuied by a remittance, exoept In cases where the adver t.r ii kaown to be punctual. THE KNOXVILLE WHIG: Knoxville, Term., May 15, 1867. so, and it fell into tho hnd of Gw- ' wj read it to a number of persons who noted its con- lIS. Proof will b rHu(?V? dra0dret Baxter the late law of Tea- DegseJ nd hU (UP,OUS aU- Jtl This it ikclcb of Iba vnhn who ail me, A felon in orUi Clia. traitor aud biaLwhacket ia Tennessee, and now a dkfrancfaisod rebel. - 2"ci r. Sinco Uio al0Te remsrka were dulJTercd, I Lare learned that lifcitcr, in the speech I have re plied to, alluded to a personal difficulty I bad at. Oreenevillo in 18C1, in strong terms of censure. Jow Baxter waa one of my counsel before tbo Jus tice of the Peace, in that case, lie knew that I wa attacked for the third time by a Terr dinserous man, ; who Lad, for nearly two years, vowed to take my me, ana tnat 1 tad tried every way to avow ana to conciliate him, and finally fought in self defence when fiercely assailed with deadly weapons, .lid has declared five hundred times that I was entirely justified in all that I did. Indeed he has censured me for not shooting the man long belore we iinai difficulty, and for trying to long to avoid it. But now that it answers his political ends, he violates his professional fidelity; betrays the confidence re posed in him as a lawyer, and tarns upon mo like a traitor, as he has proved himself to be to all others. But this is in keeping with his conduct, to wards others. For weeks after the assassination of Mr. Lincoln reachod Knoxville, this man charged pab-. licly on the itroc-U that President Johnson had been a party to the aisasBination. - But now, of all others in East Tennessee, aspires to be the peculiar defend er of the President. Reply to Jobn Baxter, Esq., of Knox vllle, being the Cundi'dlng Portion of Vie Speech of Hon. A. J. Fletcher, at Joneiboro', Tenn., Aej'iit 17A, X8CC. Having addressed tbo large crowd at length on the political questions of the day, Mr. Fletcher said : Having diecuHsed at length the principal iwues of the day, 1 regret being called upon to ank your at tention to a matter entirely personal. I allude to en unprovoked and brutal attack upon me in a pub lic fpeech recently delivered at Grecneville, by John Baiter, Esq., of Knoxville. This attack was roost uneipect'jd and uaaccountsble. You have seen that my course as a poaker hi free from personali ties. Besides, Baxter and myself have occupied, as I thought and as he professed, the attitude'of per sonal friends from the time of hi coming to Ten nessee, down to the day of his extraordinary speech, at Oreeneville. As lawyers, practicing in adjoining circuits, we have interchanged many professional courtesies and recipr-jcal favors. I freely admit that ho has placed me under personal obligations to him. lie ha always, heretofore, cpoken ,of me in the very highest terms, both as a man and as a law yer. In return, 1 hava alwtys been his defender; where I could honorably do "so, and his apologist ben 1 could do no more. I have studiously sought to cover his numerous error? with the mantle of charity, and hoped for better things from him in the future - 1 ' I am told that tho pretext for bi. assault upon me was a f pooch dolivorod by me at Knoxvillo on the 1th instant. This was only a pretext. If thcr5 was tbo remotest ullu&ion to him, or his record, or Lis position, in that speech, 1 was not aware of it at tho time. Certainly nothing of the kind was intended. TBI REHEL REC.1MEXT KTORT. I have not been able to procure a papei contain i:.g a report of the speech, but I have just spent several days at Grccncvillo, and had full and accu rate reports from thoso proeent. Baxter charres me ,th attempting to raise a regiment for the rebel fcTvtoo, and knowing that this charge had been made and fully mot bofore, he puts himself upon the witnoss stand and maltus a ttalcmentin which there ii not a syllable of truth from beginning to end. lie details a conversation witn mo mat never occurred. He makes mo to say thut I was going to Kichmond to obtain authoiity to raise a regiment, and that I was terribly in earnest. There were persons in his audience who knew and understood ail the facts in regard to this matter, and they instinctively turnod to each other and pronounced the charge untrue. It i not nuceb&sry here, so noar to Groeneville, to vin dicate myself against this charge. Inquire of any uf tbo loyal citizens of Grecneville and you will learn the facts. I did, iu the rummer cf 1862, un der the ailvico of tho leading Union men of Grecne ville, fpiak of getting pcrmision to recruit the Union conscripts of the county then hiding and be ing bunted down, with a view cf marching thorn into tho Fedoral lines. But it was merely matter of (.nnvernation among the Union men, and by moetof them IhO'lgtA Ho iinprtMiticaljlo, oiid no stops was Uleii exct'i't to make the proposition, which waa at once defeated by rebel citizens, who wrote to Kich mond charging that I was a Lincolnito, and that lis a hole matter was a trick of Union mon to get the Union conscripts out of the country. Baxter next charges me with fleeing from Knoxville when Longslrict approached the city, and of lying out dunre the sieee. Such conduct he seems to have denounced as displaying a great want of courage and patriotism. It is true that on the approach of Longntreet I did leave Knoxville, in company with some twenty loading citizens of the place, and went to Barboureville, KyM whore we remainod till the wigfl was over, and then returned ; but Baxter seems careful to conceal the fact that I left Knoxville in A.:t cviiipauy traveled with him remainod with him at IShrboursville, and returned and rode into Knoxville in his company. The only differoace be tween Buxter and myself in this affair was, that I left under the advice of Federal Generals, who knew that if captured I would not be treated as a prisoner of war, but be sent to Castle Thunder or Andereon ville, when it was well known that Baxter left or tftct, and to have the appearance of fleeing from tfce rebels, it being well known that the rebels wo-ld not moloet him, but would recognize him as a friend. Baxter, in the next place, with the instincts of a raCan, invados my domestic circle and charges mo ith leaving my family in Paducah on the approach of Forrest, and Jleeing to Indiana. -Like the first statement, this is a simple falsehood, unalloyed with the leapt mixture of truth. I remaiued in Paducah .o days after tho batiia, and, having buried my brother-in-law, a citizon, who was killed near his tome, 1 took mv family with me to Indiana, where I was able to provide for them during the balance of tha war. Not so with Baxter, lie ran off and loft bis familv in Knoxville durine the siejre, and when Le returned one of tbcm had died from the effects of terror and friuht. which his presence might havo prevented. 1 regret to make these allusions, but Bailer has cast the first stone, without remembering that he live in a glass hou?o. HAITER S AJiTKCKDKN TS. 1 havo now a few words to say of ilr. Baiter. Tne brutal and unprovoked attack he has made '.pen mo releases mo from all personal obligations to him, and leaves me freo to retort opon bim. ;lt no longer my duty to palliato or excuse his of funsos. Let us look for a moment at his history. John Baxter came from North Carolina to Ten i iisfee over ten years since. On accaunt of crimes committed bofora ho came here, ho was disabled from holding any office ot houor or trust in the t?tato "f Tennessee. By his procurement tho law of T:n nesoee was quietly and almost by 'stealth modified foasuot to exclude tha duellist from .holding ofi nee, unlet for duelling in Vti Stale. lUving ou twned this statutorv pardon, bo at onoo becamo active office-seeker. When the rebellion presented itself, he considered but two questions. First, how ' " uiuney oui vi .L octuuu, nuii-u the winning sido. lu tho first ho was eminently MiccetJ-ful ; but in the ijcond his iudgmont was at frtult. During the enthe war his business was, like a vulture, to sit ttpon tho street corners watching for the llood-hounds of the rebellion to brine in I nion prisoners. As soou as one wa3 dragged in, Baxter, or bis jackails, were about him, and very soon liMij L;s uoto ror a irgo amount, and often a deed of trust upon his land. It mattered but little ht become of the priooner, the note and deod of trust was the great question. The widow of poor Sevier, for the purpose of nominating a suitable and that the Governor b hereby authorized to issuo perse n to jointly representsaid counties in the lower j the Bonds of the State for the same, according to branch of the next Legislature of Tennessee, re- i the laws made and proVided in similar cases. '. spectfully present for the action of the Convention, j Src. 4. Be it further enacU.l, That Bonds of tho the following resolutions, viz: ! State to the amount of one hundred thousand dol- MeaUeed, 1st, That we cordially endorse tlie pa- I lara, De issuea to iub .uanv.c, iennesseo and Ohio triotle course of our loved and esteemed Governor, Wm. G. Brownlow, as Chief Executive of the Stale, and particularly do we endorse his noble efforts to restore Tennoesee to her original position as a mem ber of the United States, and. thereby securing to the people of the States the blessings of peace and liberty under ths protection of the flag of tbe free, which we delight to honor. That weeordiallv approva tuc c- Act. Kailroad Company, for the" construction aud com pletion of their road as far as tbe same is siUiatprl in tho county of Johnson, nd Stale of Tennessee. Alio, that Bonds of the State to the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, be issued to the East Tennoesee and Western North Carolina Kail road Company, for the completion of their road upon the same terms as provided by the foregoing Rsxnlcrd. v.A. That w finrdinilr ennrova lion of the Congress of tho United States with re- j Sec. 5. Be il further ena-ded, That this Act shall gard to the reconstruction of tho States lately in ro- j late ciiect from auu aner its passage. against the Government of tho United Meeting or Hadical Union Men or Polk Coantr. At A meeting of the Kadical Union citizens of Polk county, held at the Court House in Benton, on May Cth, 18C7, Kobert N. Fleming wa called to the Chair, and Luther Lillard, Esq., requested to act as Secretary.' , , The Chairman briefly explained the object of the meeting to be to express their views in relation to political matters, and to appoint delegates tj rep resent the Kadical Union men of Polk county in the District Convention to be held at Athens, Mc Minn county, on the 11th inst.,- for the purpose of nominating a Kadical Union candidate for Con gress, and also to confer with, delegates from tho other counties of the District in nominating candi dates for the' Legislature.' On motion, a Committee of three was appointed by the Chair to draft a preamble and resolutions expressive of tho views of the meeting, and John N.' Taylor; John B. Cartor, and E. W. Vanzant, wero named said Committee, who, after having ro t)r$d a short time, reported the following preamble and resolutions, which wore unanimously adopted : "Whereas, Ia tho present excited state vl politi cal affairs in Tennesseo and throughout the Union, it is manifest from the matters at issue that there are but two parties one endeavoring to uphold and maintain the loyal Congress of tho .United Stales, and I j appropriate measures secure the blessings of peace and good government, aiming so to settle and shape affairs as to guard the nation, saved at such an immense sacrifice of blood and treasure during the late rebellion, from tbe recurrence, if possible, of tbo liko torriblo ordeal again, and also to sustain the loyal State Government of Tennessoo, no less bitterly attacked than the general government, and which, by its Governor, Vi. Q. Brownlow, aud Leg islature, has accomplished much of which we may justly feel proud the other party, in bitter hostility to all those objects, though composed soomingly of somewhat discordant materials, is really a compound of only one ingredient hostility to the Union, Union men and Union measures whose only ef fort seems to render vain and of no effect the sacri fices made in putting down the worst rebellion the world has ever witnessed, the price paid to save the nation. Therefore we, a portion of the Kadical Union men of Polk county, as expressive of our views, adopt the following resolutions : Resolved, That we will sustain the loyi.l Congress of the United States in the measures they have adopted, and are likely to adopt, for the purpose of permanently settling the States lately in rebellion, and securing equal rights and tho blessings of peace and good government to all. Jtcsolcid, That we utterly disapprove and con demn tho foolish and corrupt policy cf Andrew Johnson, President of the United Slates, in his cndloss strife and contention with Congress, and his wricked naeutxsptions, "who, to rotivo dountt partjr, has deserted his own avowed principles, and has had recourso to disloyal end treasonable materials with which to rebuild tho rotten edifice, thus clearly showing that disloyal sentiments arc not those of progress, and that, while there is a growth in the world's opinions, and while some men have capaci ty for progress, there are nevertheless fogies, men of obstinate ideas, who. swinqinq around a eirele at wonderful speed, stop after all just wnere tney started. Resolved, That we tender our thans to the lion. Horace ileynard, our Representative in the last Congress of the United States, for the firm, manly and consistent course steadily pursued by him in that body, and that we feel entire confidence in his tnea patriotism, integrity and ability. Rcsolvftlf That we congratulate the peopleof Ten nessee on the loyal, prudent and maaly course pur ued bv Gv. W. G. Brownlow as the Executive of the State ; that he has shown himself worthy of the high trust reposod in him by the loyal people, and that we feel unabated confidence in his integrity and ability, and therefore wo will give him our cor dial support for re-election. Resolved, That we feel proud of the respect the loyal members of tho Legislature of Tennessee have deservedly acquired among all loyal men every where, in other States and among other people, as well as among ourselves, by the signal measures they have carried through that body, and which show that, while others have been progressing, Ten nessee has neither stood still nor retrograded. Resolved, That when our Copperhead-Conservative-Rebel opponents make their shameless appeals for support to the colored people, whose enfran chisement they were the last in the world to grant, we feel proud that the humiliation involved in it is not ours, and we feci equally certain it is not the colored man's. Resohed, That in view of all consequences, as we know our friends, wo will never join our enemies. On motion, the Chairman nominated tho follow ing gentlemen as delegalos to the Convontion at A.thenj: Saundi- GrifSn, Tctcr Brown, Luther Lillard, Esq., K. D. Mitchell, Esq., Simoon E. Brow- der, John B. Cate, James T. Bradford, and b. W. Vanzaut, who were unanimously chosen, to which delegation the Ch&irman, on motion was added. . On motion, it was ordered that a copy of the pro ceedings of the mooting bo furnishod the Ksox ville Whig for publication. On motion, the meeting adjourned sine dif. Robert 2st. Fleming, Chairmun. Ll i uek LlLtAKP, &cretary. bellion States, Resohed, 3d, That we approve the action of our L - lata Legislature ia passing the colored suflrago .bid, admitting tho loyal colored citizens of the State to the right of the elective franchise, and in passing the military bill. Resolved, 4th, That our late Representative, Maj. Charles Inman, in our opinion, is eminently quali fied to represent the counties of Knox and Sevier in the next Legislature of iho State, and believing that ho will faithfully represent the principles of the people of laid counties, and preve himself in the future as he has doae in the past, a faithful sen tinel on tbe watch-tower of liberty ; we therefore unanimously nominate him as the candidate of the Radical Union party for Joint Representative for Knox and Sevier in the next Legislature of the State. - M. L. IIaix, - r " 'j, C. W. Catlett, ' , , - Leit. Ddogan, - ' - - J. W. Patwi, " K. S. MnrziL .- - Maj. Iniaaa being present, was then cahed for, and came forward and returned his thanks to the Convention for their confidence in his integrity. With reluctance he accepted the position, but felt assured they would not regret his future more than his former course. . " ' . . Resolved, That the editor of the Knoxville "Whio be requested to publish the proceedings of this Convention. The Convention then adjourned sine die. " After the adjournment of the joint Convention, the delegates from Sevier resolved themselves into a Convention, and unanimously recommended Dr. J. M. Hammer to tho people of Sevier county as their standard-bearer for Representative of Sevier county, and as eminently qualified for that high and responsible position, and sound to the core on the Radical question. -; ' - . ; ' "Wm. Heiskeli Speaker of tho House of Representatives. ' ; Joshua B. Fmersox, Speaker of the Senate. Passed December 10, AN ACT for the Bief of the Bondholder, uf tbs Slate " SkcTIOS 1. Ei it enacted by the General Avsemhly of the State of Tennessee, That whenever any of the outstanding bonds of the State of Tennessee shall have become impaired in marketable value by ir regular or improper endorsements, or from being improperly filled up, or from partial defacement or mtitiMion. it sriall be the duly of the Governor to issue to the bolder a new bond of the current se ries, in liau of each bond so impaired in marketable value, taking up the bond in lieu of which such new bond may be issued."- Provided the books of tbe Secretary of State and Comptroller shall show that the bond so taken up and received, was reeular- ly issuea, ana tnat me otaie is &ound for its pay ment ; ana, prow., mat sucu . LAWS OF TENNESSEE . Br At' THO BIT Y. AN ACT to cUaage lUeliuo ofllawkiui and llaucutk Couutio, Sectioit I? Beit enacted bu' the General Assembly of the State -vf Tennessee, That tho lino betwoen Hawkins and Hancock ceunties be so changed as to Include Hiram . Herd's Mill and tract of land in Hancock county. Sec. 3. Be it enacted, That the county lino bo twecn the counties of Roane and Monroe be so lo cated as to include C'armichael's Island, in the Ten nessee River, above Loudon, in Roane county. Six:. 3. Be U enacted. That the couniy nuo oo twecn the counties of Campbell and Scott, bo bo j changed as to include the lands on which John Pat terson, Austin L. Keath, William Cross, William Keatberly, John McGee,Heury Goodman, Jas. Mc Gee, and William Thompson, in the county of Cempboll; also, the farm formerly ownod by Ewil Smith, now owned by Riloy and Jacob Quocner, in Campbell county. - - Sec. 4. Be it eiactcd, That the county line be tween the counties of Bedford and Marshall be so changed ae to include all the lands of Thomas W. Brents, in Marshall county ; and that this Act shall take effect from and after its passage - Wm.' Heiskell, ' r ' Speaker of the House of Representatives. . . .. ' : Joshua B. Fribrson, Speaker of the Senate. Fussed J)ecombor e, J80U -i I : '. .' " t ' - ' ' AN ACT to amend Aa Act entitled "A Act -to change tho County line between tho connties of IVlk and Bradley." Pacaed; March 19, ISflOy . . Section I. It enacted by the General Assembly of the State of 2lnnese. That the County line be tween the counties cf Folk and Bradley be so ex tended in a scutnern direction along the second range east of the basis line of the Ococe District, one half mile further than it now runs; thence south seventy degrees east, to the original County line between the counties of Polk and Bradley, so as to Include the lands of Alexander Cavitt, and of J. D. A. Davidson, in the county of Polk. And that this Act shall take effect from and after its pas sage. War. Heiskell, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JosntJA B. Friekson, . Speaker of the Senate. ; Passed December C, 18G6. bond is not so muti latod as to destroy its identity and binding charac ter; provided ranker, that whenever any bond above referred to, shall be made payablo to order, or shall be payable to any person, persons, or corporation oa the face of tbe bond, and saij bond shall be so presented by any person other than the payee in the bond, the person or corporation so presenting the bond shall show that he is the transferrer and lawful owner thereof. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That upon the issu ance of any new bond, under the preceding section of this act, a receipt for the same shall be given upon the books of the Secretary of Slate, in which the transaction shall appear at large, and the Sec retary of State shall deliver the old bond or bonds so received to the Comptroller, taking his receipt for the same ; and it shall be the duty of the Comp troller to proceed at once to cancel such bond or bonds, in the same manner that tho paid bonds of the State are now by law required to be cancelled. Sec. 3. lie it further enacted, That 'the holder of any of the outstanding bonds of the State which may bo without coupons, or which may be printed with type, and not engraved, may receive, under the provisions of this law, new bonds of the present series; falling due in 1892, in lieu thereof; provided that tho first coupon attached, to tho now bond so issued shall fall due at the same timo that tho first interest may be due upon the bond so taken up and received; and that the Comptroller make publica tion of all such bonds cancelled, describing them fully by number, date and amount i vrovide-.lf how ever, that the bondholder shall pay the expenses in cident upon the Comptroller's advertising the bonds contemplated in this act ; provided, that the entire expense of issuing new bonds, to- take up tho de faced and other bond, provided for in this act, shall be paid by the bondholder; provided, this provision does not refor to registered bonds. Sec. A. Be it fiwther enacted, That it shall be tho duty of the Secretary of State to copy the book of receipts for the oonas oi the btate, issued by the Governors of the State, so as to show the different classes and scries of bonds In the order of their Is suance, with an index, and it shall be' his duty to deposit the original in the office of the Comptroller of the State. , ... . Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage. war. JiciBKtLL, , Speaker of the House of Representatives. , , JosnvA B. FKiEnsoy, ' . - , . ' Speakor of the Senate. -Passed December 12, I8t6. them and their descendants a government of law and stability. I repoat, you do General McPhorson and myself too much houor. At Belmont you man ifcstsd your traiu, neither of us being near. At Fort Donelson, aLo, yon illustrated your whole ! character. 1 was not near, and General JdcFhorson in too subordinate a capacity to influence you. Until you had won Donelson I confesu I was almost cowed by tho terrible array of anarchial elements that pre sented themselves at every point; but that admitted tho ray of light which I have followed since. I be lieve you are as brave, patriotic and just as the great prototype, Washington ; as unselfish, kind-hearted and honest as a man should bj but your chief char acteristic is tbe simple faith in success you have al ways manifested, which I can liken to nothing else than the faith a Christian has in a Savior. This faith gave you victory at Shiloh and Vicksburg. Also, whon you have completed your best prepara tions you go into battle without hesitation, as at Chattanooga no doubt?, no reserves ; and I toll you it was thu that made us act with confidence. I knew, wherever I wa, that you thought of me, and if I got in a tight place, you would como if alive. My only points of doubt woro in your knowledge i of grand strategy and of books of scionco and his tory; but I confesii your common senso seems to have supplied all those. ,; Now, ' as to tho future. Don't stny in Washington. Hallcck is better qual ified than you to iiand tho bullets of intrigue and j policy. Come West. Take to yourself the whole Mississippi Valley. Let us make it dead sure, and I tell you the Atlantic slopes and Pacific shares will follow it3 destiny as sure as the limbs of a trea iivc or die with tho main trunk. Wo have done much, but still much remains. Time and Time's influence are with us. We could almost afford to s:t still and let these influences work.- Even in tho acceded States your word now would go further than a Pres ident's proclamation or an" act of Congress. For God's sake, and your country's sake, come out of AYashington. I foretold to Gen. Halleck, before he left Corinth, the inevitable result ; and I now exhort you to come out West. Here lies the seat of the coming empire; and from the Wrest, when eur task is done, we will make short work of Charleston and Richmond and the impoverished coast of tbe Atlan tic. Your sincere friend, . .. Signed W. T. Sherman. General Grant. . MANUFACTORIES. GROCEKIi:S AID counissioir. 4 v- f" HI ft I.J vira sjiAix, norsi: &. riTcn. EDUCATION. HAMPDEN SIDNEY ACADEMY, ' A Graded School for Boys. - f PRING SESSION commence February 11th, IS07. , FALL SESSION commences September -d, 1S07. TUITION PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS. Primary Department '. i. .. ..JtO 00 Intermediate Department - 10 f"J . Crammer School 12 00 . Contingent foe I 00 Ticketi to be procured of Dr. Jas. Rodger, Secretary and Treasurer, at It in Drug Store. WM. HElSKtLL, l'reeideul. JAS. KOOKK3, Bocrctary and Trt aiurer. JAS. t. LVTTRKLL, .' jas. it. abustbom;, JAS. COWAN, l?r., jaiijO-Ij Board of Tra-iUtr. ai. t. vriLUUA, rrioiupai. KNOXVILLE FOUNDRY MACHINE WOKKS. AUK NOW HEADY TO MASU- YCTCBE Slaeliinery tiutl Custius Of Taxiona kind. STEAM ENGINES, SMUTT MILLS, WATEIl WHEELS, MILL GEA KINGS, BARK. MILLS, UANE MILLS, PLOWS,- HOLLOW WARE, STOVES, Xc, Ac; &e.'-: - ; wlltf - Xt.'RTlt A yl AtFE. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, BY PENDEKGRASS & CO. " I AN U FACT U HE CAUUIAGES, BUG- XfJa. ;IES, Baroncuea, llacki for Mail Routes, Liht Trot ting W agons, purine aud Plantation W(-.n. at., auurexs u at l,l-'lln 1, lenn. Keferto Chamberlain, Kkbarda A Co. fetil-:im For price, LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN Ediicationtil Institution- Electing 'at TriiBdlc's X Koads, la Sc S Tier connly-Xominatlon of Floater. ; Pursuant to a previous call of Convcnlicns held respectively in Knox and Sevier counties, the dole gates from the above counties met at Trundle's X Roads, in Sevier county. r Upon a motion made by R. M. Creswbll, Ks, M. L. Hall, Es-i-, was called to tho Cbafr, and Lieut. J. IL Mc'utt to- act as Secretary, w hich motion Uiing adopted, 2d. L. Hall, on aisuming the Chair, made a brief and appropriate fpecen, portray in flu Iiarmon, who waa hanged without tho form o? a ""ia), is looVing daily for Raiter to sell boi home for a fee of severs! thousand dollars secured by a deed of tru.-t. Hundreds of similar ca&os might be mentioued. MBIL CAHilDAl 1 OH C0SKESS. Having amassed a largo fortune by fleecing Union prisoner, Baxter waa ready to go iuto politics, lie -curdingly announced himself candidate for the ftbel congress, lie made a vigorous canvass, and briefly the causes and recommending harmony, uuanimity and con cort of action between tho citizens of the two coun ties in the selection of a candidate to represent their joint interests. Col. J. B. Brownlow next came forward, and in brief and telling speech urged tho above course as essential to success ; rooomniending all who might aspire to oOo, however Worthy, to yield to the claims of Ihose who had stood so firm through the very where advised the people, to think no more of j - Jea cf tDe rast iw0 years Ic-islation, him the Lnion, and told them that the Confederacy wtu w?nf t. . , ... oltfUcIe tneir cuvernment, and mat waa criminal toward sclt declining u . lt.-a j out against it any longer, lia wa Loaun because ce rebels Had but lime connaenea n biro. rd the AN ACT Directory to the Kevenue ComiuKtioneis. . Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Commissioners oi tne itevenue oi eacn vounty hereby required to ascertain the number of mutes and blind persons in their respective districts, and report the same to the Clerk of the respective Coun ty Courts of the State, and the said Clerks to fur- - a . .11 f al TV a !XL ll.. ....MtVjka sisntne tjomptrouer oi tne oiaie wuu vue uumucr in their respective counties, and in which report, the Commissioners shall give the name and exact or probable age of each mute and blind person ; also, tne name oi nia or uer parem i dian, or next friend ; the probable amount of prop erty owned, if any, and his or her nearest post-office address, together with such other information as the said commissioners may think necessary. - Smc. 2. Be it enacted. Tnat tne uierKS oi tne sev- ural Countv Courts shall also annually furnish the Trustee of ife Deaf and Dumb Asylum, at Knox ville. and the trustees of the Blind Asylam.atJNasn ' . . a. m . 1 1 - vine, with tne list oi mutes ana mina persona m their respective counties ; and other information as rantAd in the first section of tnis Act : ana mat the Comptroller shall publish with his annual re port, the list, as required oy tne urst secuou muio- Sec. 3. Be it further e,iacLcd, That for each fail ure on tho part of tho Clerks and Revenue Com missioners to comply with the provisions of this Act, they shall be fir.od in the sum of tifty dollars nrh tn h recovered before the proper authorities, by any person who may sue for the same ; and that this act snail take enect irom nu ini i " sae. VVm. Heiskell, Speaker of the House of Representative;. . Joshua B. Fbiirson, Speaker of the Senate. Passed December 7, lfcki6. AN ACT to Amand Aa Act passed January, lsi, entitled "An Ant to establish a system ot internal mr..r.,. passed February 11, ltsW. Whereas, The Memphis aud 'Jhio Railroad Com pany, and tho Mississippi and Tcunossoe Railroad Co. are without oither passenger or froight depots at Memphis, and the former at many stations along the line of Road, and ah-o, that said Roads are now much in need of from five to six locamotivc each, to do the business offered along their respective line, besides, owing the Government of the L nilcd States a large amount for stock bought, and in view of the fact that said Roads have at all limes prompt ly paid all interest when due, opon all bond loaned by the State, (except during the war,) and that they plod -e ia the future fts in tho past, to promptly meet all intorest due on tonus loaneu, or ma -j aauiuomu iuuu aMlE SUMMER SESSIOX WILL X GIN 3IAY lith, aud close OCTOBKE Ut,lSM7. Board and Tuition t l'A, rftvable half on entoring au l half tbe 2-Jd of July. Drawins, Music and LunKuaires tltra. I'oom ana nun- iug furuiuhed ou reiusonablo trni. For Circular, m'ti mil particular!!, adores". Kj v. C. C. CABPEXTKK, Suyt , arilQ 2ax- - - Chattanooga, Teun. AN ACT to expedite the distribution of tho eflects of Bauka which hate or may uiako assignments among their Creditors. Section 1. Be it enacted by Vie General Assembly of the Slate of Tennessee, That in all cases where any ol tho Banks ot this fctate nave, or may nere after mke assignments for the benefit of their creditors, it shall be tho "duty of the trustees ap pointed by the deed or a court to execute tho same, to fix ttiino, which shall not be less than two years, in which all clauaajigainst the Bank, and provided for by the deed, shall be presented lor payment al ter the expiration of which time all the effects of the Bank shall bo distributed and paid over as fast as realised, ratably, to the creditors whoso, claims shall havo been presented according to tho provis- ions of the assignment, and ail otners snail pe ior ever barred: of which time so fixed and limited, public notice shall be given, y the trustee in at least one of tne newspapers in mo ciuw t ivnoi- villo, Nashville, and Jlenipnis, daring au tne time allowed for the presentation of claims. , - ' K(- 2. nr. it further enactca. inatu tue ouia ui the Bank nro presented for payment within the time prescribed, tho Trustee shall receive tne same )W deposit, and issue certificates for the amount, whicn shall entiuo the Holder to nis rataoieponiou of any fund that may be at any time distributed to the noteholders, v ine said comncaie Enau aiso uo btken in navment of anv debtdueto the Bank, for thn full amount thereof, in the ame manner that the notes for which it was given would be received. SlCi 3. lie if ptjn etrd. Provided, that nothing in this Act be so construed as to apply to the Bank of Tennessee. Sec. 4. Be itiv.rther enacted, That this Act shall bo inforced from and after ita passage. s Wm. HiikLL, Speaker of the House of Representative. Joshua B. Fbiirson, : Speaker of the Senate. Passed December 12, 18G6. , - TUB ORPHAN ASYLUM I7STABLISI1ED DURING THE LAST I J rear in Washington City, for the benefit of the children of tinted States Soldiers and Sailors, is now in operation. The friends cf Orphans of Federal Soldiers in East Tennessee, ho desire or are willing to send them to the Asylum, are as sured that the children will be kindly eared for in all linpor. tant particulars by the cmcersof the institution., applica tion for admission may be made to airs. U. siaynarJ, ano- Tillc, who will communicate on behalf of the applicant tun th Swrct.irir or ona of the Kxocutive Committee at Washing ton and furnish all necc5r information to the friends of ornl,. THOS. W. HUMES. V. S. Tho nowsimucis published in East Tenusi-see, will nleufl five tho above notice three insertions iu their respCc tire journals, without charge, aud for the sake of the chil dren who hare an interest in tne manor. fi""i .uu .IT'T"- . " . , indherra.,. bv the addition 508 of our present unhappy condition, , , . . fl . ut comiition i A J - 4. . t.;..i. to do the business oi me country wruus" Union pople had still leas. THE HVSHW UACILR. On on occaaion he shouldered his doubla-Wrr..v )wl ahot-Run and headed a i)Ud of rebcla H c:;U I candidate. una Knd weir.t to Mnwwrrr 1 lains to hoot th ' defenders cf lbs Union. Whether ho shot any Union mon cr not, or whether bit courage ooed out by the way, or whether the range of hi shot gun was too short for his tern peranum t, I am not advuod. I only know that soon after be was on the struct wner watching for Union prisoners, takirg note and deeds of trust. I ce many soldiors and officers in this large assembly. What term do you apply to a citizen who goes out by bye "'Jays to fire upon the defenders of tho Union? JUry voices, " Bush whacker!'' Yes, bushwhacker rebel bushwhacker! that ia the man who cow a?pires to load the Con servatives of East TcnnesiC-j. - in the re-election of Hon. Charles Inman, although Le (CoL B.) bad been unanimously nominated by the loyal people of Knox county, and although, ac cording to usage, Knox county was entitled to the J. Tavn. Im Dtunran. Lieut. C V.Catiett, ft. B. Miner, and Col. J. B. Brownlow, were appointed Commiue to draft resolutions and recommend a wiiuble poraon aa a candidate to the Convention. By request of Col. Brownlow, Chairman Hall was nubsttuted for himself on the Committee. - C duo too wmmiiM wru i!MB Colonel J. B. Brownlow again took the aUnd, nd md tellin speech, dlscujoing fully the issue of tbe canyaaa. endorsing the legislation of Congress and the Slate Legislature, and exposing the treaon and disloy- they pass, to the bettor satisfaction oi tne pcopic, besides the better protecting tho intorest of the btate in said Roads; and further, that without said additional aid asked, tne itoaas receij-v ior of equipment, may be insufiidont to meet current expenses of operating-pay the interest on btate bonds, and the debt to the General Government T SktiS 1. Be ii enacted by tie General Asatuifht e-f the State vf Tennessee, That the Governor of the State be authorised and directed to issue the Bonds of the State, bearing six per cent interest, with cou pons attached, similar in every respect to the iouds hui under the Act this is intended to amend, and upon tbe same penalties and indi- UTo the Memphis and Ohio Railroad Company, j , $-'00,000) two handred thousand dollars. To the Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad Com pany ($150,000) one hundred and fifty thousand Skc 2. Bt it farther enThat the proceeds cf add Bonds shall only be used for building depots, paying for locomotives and the debt due the bene- ral??TrT?iwCfW. That the sum cf a i . ' ,A,,and dollars be. and tbe same it i inree uu.m. TV," .v. i;.,..n. d rharW- D-ar Gem hereby appropruuea u. tu. characleristi tS CumberfandGap fndCharb- to Cral3 AX ACT to change tho time of hol.liug the Chancery Courts in the First Ciiancery District, in the state oi "'"" SzcTiow 1. enacted bu the General Assembly f the State of Tennessee, That the Chancery Court for the county of Hawkins shall bo held on the first Mondays nf March and September; for the county of II thn anr H;ndav of March, and the third Monday of Aueust; for the county of Carter, on the third Mondays of 3Iarch and Septem ber ; for tho county of Johnson, on tho fourth Mon- Sec. 1. Beit further enacted, That the county of Union be, and the samo is hereby transicrrea to toe Kighth Chancery District of Tennessee. -r, Wm. Heiskell, Spoak'T tf the House of Representatives. Joshua B, FRiiaaoy, Spcakc-r of the Senate, l'astud Dcccuibcr 13, 1856.. 1 1 m ' Interesting Letters of Ceueral ran and Geccral Snerman. The Joint Committee on tho Conduct of thu War have just Issued their report iu aa immense volume containing reports by Generals Sherman, Thomas P.m., ..i ..ii,.,r fipnnrnla. Tho volume contains a nmr n4 nnblifhcd, and amon tbem thj two following letters : , , , Fiivate. Nahiille, Tenn., 4, lfcoi. ! Der b:v.rnan The bill reviving the grade of Lientenaut General in the army, has become a law, and my nanio has been sent to tho Senato for the place I now receive order to report to Washing ton immediately in person, hich indicates either a confirmation o'r a likelihood -of confirmation. I start in the morning to comply with the order, but I shall say vcrv distinctly on my arrival there that I accept no appointment which will require me to make that city my headquarter. This, however, is not what I started out to writ about. W bile I have been eminently successful in this war, in at least the confidence of the public, no one feels more than me how much of this success is due to the energy, skill, and harmonious putting forth of that energy and skill, of those whom it ha been my good fortune to have occupy a subordinate position under me. There are many oilker to whom these remarks are appli cable to a greater or lea degree, proportionate to their ability as soldiers. But what I waat to to ex press my thanks to yon and McPherson, a the men to whom, above all others, 1 feel indebted for what ever I have had of lacecn. ' How fr your advice and eueseaione have been vi asiance-you xuow Rev. V. I P. BAXCROFT, rritcal. BE- , FARMING IMPLEMENTS. KNOXVILLE II10N "WORKS, ROLLING MILL. CHAMBERLAIN, RICHARDS & A TAN U FACT LTRERS OF ALL 1TJL CO., VA RIETIES of liar Iron, Fur Kailroads, Blacksmiths, aud Mailt' mut-. - . - Wapon Tire, small and lr;. Honnl aod-Mertbaut Iroa (nerully, always ou band. Mill on fcast lennesse ana lecrS'a liailrwad, west or me Depot. i n;'i-'tf AM & BODLKY, FOLXUEUS MACHINISTS, STATIONARY" PORTABLE . Steam Engines ClltClLAU SAW MILLS, WITH 6IJICLTA'EOL3 ASD ISI'EPESDEN X Wrought Iron Heat'. Blocks, ECLirSE . SniXGLR MACHINES. - Wood Working 'Machinery, COBN MILLS, MILL GEARING & SHAFTING, Wrought Iron Pipe & Fitlings, Sltaui Cocks, it. G1TFARD INJECTOR, " OIL "WELL MACHINERY. Steam Fire Engines, Applicants for Doaaiy'i Circulars," will Tf ifir , Vachlnerj thej asod. General Merliaiidise, Produca uil Commist-ioa Jlercliaat?, First d."r Xorth of Post tfilc, St., " KSOlZYILLE. Tsyy7 w m. A tnsK.Sui;,') -. : ; , . W . U. Hvst, . I (.'has. W", t'nvre.' "I i " 1 : - f ' AV' I'WlLSi PWILSON jfc CO.. WHOLESALE GROCERS A15 COMMISSION, 3IERC1IANTS, . , JTorth-eaai. Cornet cf Gay And Cinrci "Stroiti. (Coffin BloeV.J UEG LEAVE TO INfOIUI THE PEO- SLZ,at KnoxTille, aad ImIIwj, r.Bera'lT, that they hare Jnt rweirad a large and ii aftrtd AMrk Sta ple and Family Oroewries, Liquor, ratce Clcara, e which 'Vi Kr-",lir,r",Ui Tha b-,, brand.' ,t OI Ohio heat Family i low, constantly oa bund. Isustry Mar. eriAnia i nn.i it L.jhi .inAU.. . ' and pncea befure purchasir.z Msewlon. K' oibT the J'hw e, corner of (Comn 1!I.t.; knoxvill-. Tfin. : iT and Chnrta Struts, COLI UBI S rOWRLI., Late of KcuXiUe, Teaa. c. . , i. r. cim, . lM dt.'aahfille, Ta. row ELL, OENCBAf, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .. XEW YORK. l E FERRIXG TO IT. TO TTIE ABOVE V card, wattle.. u Infirm y.m. thai . fc.ra satab- reVnV0:? Cotton, Tobacco and on CoiumiiisioH. CLAIM AGENCIES. CENT RAL CLAIM AGENCY, KNOXVILLE, TENN. ', KEIiON, IlEAKI'tN A CO. MUtt' M. T. M'QfITH Lato Chief Clerk Q. M.'s I). j) t, V. S. A. E. . AJ-LTX, ln-x-i tor Geu'l l.S. Vols. ?X0t!ac8 Generally ier-tt-i SwTrltl-a iri k I I 3 o r r v, 7' Aux-iMaChronnJe aud Scntln.l an4 Jon-slol l a.'o. ir. BURKnAriDT, HOLES ALE GROCER ; .' ; AS1- COMMISSION SKKCNANT. ' li SUi irw, 4w;u Firth a ad Jiith, - - .. . ' v LOVISYJLLF, KT. ' W. II. FIMXCISCO K CO., COMMISSIOK MERCHANTS, KSOXV1LLF 'A h(al, 1'Kur. sold on Ci C'lU.t'at,, Ha,: iuu. - 'lE.xy. lar l, , bu(fct aa taarlitf ' ""' ' v.tai!.. " -..w.rai.cTT. lMlXH fi, IMItllOTT, WJiolesale Grocers, FOWARDING AND COIMIMISSION MERCHA2ST TS. Cherokto Ulock, Peachtree Steet, No uiarJ." Cm -ATI ANTA, UA. II. CsRlNILAtt tt CO., ' Groceries, Troducc and Notions, - Gay Street, C SI ALL ORDERS CAN BE J h filled for ar.y kind of kouU at lowest price unit on lailaays. PROMrr- aed apr3tf STOVES AND TIN W ABE.' 4 eo. h. nuBLi:. GENERAL SOUTHERN AGEHT, i on a i.i. mm" or HHll'ITIIV V ALOKX, Military Attorneys, TJ. S. Claim and" Gea'I Collecting Agents, OFFICE AT THE CAPITOL, 17AS2IVILLE, All Claims ariains from Use, Iiws, or Duuiai- of Trivate Proporty hy llilitai occupation ; tiuarttruiaster, Coiaoiiasary or Medical Stores taken lor the no of the lederal Army; Claims of Soldiers and Odiccrs for arrearage of ray. ISouniT, or Pension, from whatrrer cause,;i'romptly ailjusted ana collected. Cash advanced oa Claims at Equitable Sates. Bcrrki urns. Maf. Gen. George H. Tiiiua, Commanding Mil. liv. Tenn., On. J. L. bonalda, 1 hi.l '! M. .u. v. T.nn Oen. It. W. Johnson. ProT. Mar. ien. M. 1. Tina., IIn. Wm. Ii. Brownlow. Governor ot f.'iin., 11. hi. . .uor- ton, Governor of I lid., Hon. . M. Arueli, ii-p n asumfiuin. V. V., lion. IIora. e -Mnynara. ' asiuiigi"u, v. . .. mm. " B. Stokes, Ki p. V ailiiiiKton, D. :., Hon. II. M. H !, Air.-nt for Tenu., Washington, Hon. W. MU. Urs, JUyor, KavhTU, Tena. P. O. Box 31'', ash ille, lruu. w igrieultural Inipleinents. rr tr tn f CONSISTING IN I'AUT Ur inr, following described articles r Tbreshine Machines, Horse Powers, Glover llullers, Heap. erandMowors, drn Sheller-, See-l Lrills, j atens ppinnio WheeW. Cl.r Mills, Hay Preens, Water Wheels, Plows of ail des ;riprtons. Sulkey Corn and Cotton Cultivators, Corn and Cotton Hunters, Portable Grit Mills, Hay F.akes, and Hand Loros. RtSSELL & CO.'S ' Great Thresher and Separator. This Throher and Separator has been In successful opera- lion forover tweDty-three years, and is couce.le'l to no ma Champion of tbe World for thresnmg aua one operation, ii ua, no . . . They thresu t.rass o.-e.j., 'affi to,et oa, -f rh'e'y will do more work ith less power than any other Will thresh nil the grain that van be gotten ti and taken from the Machine ; Will throw no dust from the cylinder iu the fare of the feeder. By usins tho Massillon Machine, yu do not only save niun. y thrown away for repairs, but are enabled to save tima l y bavins a Machine that will run for months and years witli- Fro n forty to f'tv dollars rau bo saved thrcshin; a cropof three hundred huhels ever all comia-j Jla-bines now u in this country. . , , Ther thresh fast, rlcau lit lor maiksl, savs all tha giain ran aire no stops for repairs and are so easy on teams. Thesa Machines are warranted to thresh and clean at for market, in good wheat, sixty buihi is r hour. If on a lair rUl of any of theso Machines, thy fail ta 611 the warrant we. m.v at once l-o r tom'd nf in gwd order,; and ony market. -I. t ,.r ther may at once bo rtt.rn I uf in good order refunded. , W.inl l rft r all vrilnu-' iuf irin ilun in roj tid to !hos Machines to Daniel llaikll, Es i., and H rry Fatton, tweet- Otx-rne. J . i. water. Tauu. : t nos Wm. Cannon, Philad-lphi Trnnessoe. , Tn. Kdwards, K. Lenoir, W. Noith, Kiioxvilla, atte. . r. 7 - -T -Zrm. c.' CARPENTER & . rAUNSOK General laim Veitts, J. B. CARPENTER, Lat Lieutenant and Adjutant 1st Tennessee Light Artillery, S. MUNSON, T .L. Ueutenant and Adjutant Sill tenneasea Cavalry. OULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the citixenl of East Tennessee that tn-y nTa eaenea anoOcein ... . . , for the purpose of adjusting and collecting all closes of cla.ois aga uit the Uorerament for supplies take, and w.ormal Th. s riven, and supplies taken and noxace-lpia given, and fol aervicei rendered. Prompt attention given to settlements oi officers' accounts. Stoppage oi pay removed, arm n...o, of non-indebtedness oouunea ror rcui;e vi-rcti.. . j Reasonable prices charged. ' Vouchers bought or aohactod at lowest prices. s-jps- nm,- 1st door ouih of Kicliangc Bank, Oay .trc-et. ,.t offl...e Box Kswllr, lastn. Post KErKRKRcr C. Uouk.Capt. lion. W. 0. Biownh)' McUelsb, r.wen. A.C liillcm,Cel. .-lltf FIIKXCU, AVIIALEV K hTJ:VfLS Attoinoyr-ancl Cm uncial ; CLA1 M .A G E oS TS, n'Asmxu Toy, i). c, , ; No. 217 Ta. A?euue, OnKKsite Willard'e. : rnUE UNDERSIGNED, BENJAMIN 15'. I FUENCH, formerly Ckrs or tho House ol K. present, tivea, sul latCoministiuar of TuIjUc BuiiJioK. KALL1A STOVES l STOVES II Sign of (lie "Big Coll'ee-Pot," 1AV ST REST, NOXVILLl: , TENNESSEE. WE jJAVE ALWAYS ON 11 AM A Urgfsul well a-lected stmk of C00KIHG& HEATING STOVES, All sUes and varkths i suit alt oKDmeM. Also, all alada of inaaifai-tiir., TIN, SHEET-ISOS", COPPER, BRASS AJTD ZINC WARE, ' At Wholesale and HeUil. " ' ROOFING AND GUTTERING. Always enipli-yiiu :lis hs.t workmen, we can exscnta Rtf. Ing aud Cntt'Ttnif to the atifoctin of all JOB WORK .' Wllr-ceno i'iuipt slUol'.i, andaltwurk guarant.d, FURNISHING GOODS. 1 I'M Pa, PLOWy, HOLLOW WAHK. iROy, MIL?, : ci tlekv, AXKr. uover.H. srivur?, M)i:ks, and all kind" or , - Wi'OOLN WAKE. CKARIES W. De PTJE, dtcCiti , - Street, Uajsxt'lr, Tin. 50 0 ST'OVBS ' V W II t LK V, lata mem tee cr : ae hot". b.i,-.;,.. rro West YirRit.u.and r.l'A SHVLNi, I-U of the In terior Iprlaiut, have f. no. d a pattnef hip, aud will s tendtoUietollevti ,nrf slIelaUBS of loyal persons agaiast tha (iovernmeiit, either I '-.lore Coar-es, the Ex-.cutie l-'a- r-artroents, or ths tuart oi e-isiui tki. .iiuml aroTiii'tlv to bn-in re'tuvr cs ir a pwguiw s- Mt tW Ml by loesjl agents i . pi 17 8m -DENTISTBY. notion ron iii;, . L.jgti ' v ....... y' . i K 4 'J-r .r1 ' i i ? u i !' ; t ; ii. I i j I V ( i S I ; I : i . M tin? all 6re t; Mowing oa By actual test the draft t.. 1?. riulluls. d r. f r all tliosa wishiog iuformatwn, to tha following geotleuKU, wlio were preaenl at a Uear trial, on tha Arthur V W stkin-, u-ar Chttaao ga, Tewn.. an tbe RUSSELL-3 RE AVE 11 AND MOWER ... , , .1 n . I.iue. eeablacinS all th' I U1S 15 a aiuif-v - - I - 7 . . Bexibility, strength and durability reiuisita to a 6-' Machine. It runs lightly both ia Kespms aud Mo lcrsl srround, snd comoion cutting. ia lonud to vsry fi Would named g r e , 1, of JulV. h-re tbe Russell Reaper was was oi- :Kn;7.tE.,..J..SeIt.M. Uook.n.1-. M I , J. M rCcnoirk, ., Chattanooga, Tean. KLXGS AMERICAS SIDE-OPENING MOVABLE COMB BEE IIIVK. 13 K iS T Ol'Fl ( 't' . - - 6Vy Street. ; the Aation-j! Llabiiiuw in Knoxville i It II. llous only pericirntcd In bit orSce. f I S T, cur if'Xif fovth B-ltA. t iret ' 1m d-LUl ii'' mayJtf WILLIAM COFFHAH & CO., , - Kuo.willo and Joncsboruugh, Tonticasoe, Mxuu.,'tr':rs sd W Uwlttik t'esl-rs ' i J r 5 n. e o 3 ta o o 5 c S o - Oi 5 Tin, Copper, Bras & Slitet Iron V w Uow far your eiecution of whafver Las been given joa to do entitle vou to tho reward I am receiTiag you cunnot know a well ai mo. I fool all the grat itude this latter would express, giving it tlx, most fl..Qri. nr.ctnirtion. The word rou' I o?ein tM nlural, iauwdins; it for Mcl bpriton alo. I ibou.d write to hitn, and will o me day; but, gUrting in the morrin, I do net know that I will find time just cow. Your frHnd, . .-. , Signed - U. S. fi RAST, Major General. IVivata and rnfldcritiaL . XtAR' llEitTHis, "Jlarch 10, 1?C!. Dtar General : I have your more than kind ana istic letter of tne 4ta. l wm wna a copy ileriiarwa. at oao.,.rloa do . yourscji WANTI A ERIliERT TISI. C. Rayncs, Con- -partner of Baiter, were I'ture-J, letter from tbe latter was found asking 1. tkif a tni'i'iior. of dollarg from tbo Uoniodoraia Vbea tho priato pHixsrs of L. 'tdetate Senator arid Jaw-partnei "Tnmorit, with which he rropoicd to go North MaViy up tho orlhorc truf, and tciure South- luair.g 'IU !Ld.rtl&nAA 1 A 1 . I : -! I, ..tinrl i if iv.4ie3, aiiu t;u;if'iuaiiif wiw m inm. w -j,irviriiirntiii loUrr. Jlftviien omitwd l" alty of Ihe leadeni of the ConEorvallvo rarty. The Committeo having rct jned, reported the fd lowing remlutions, whkh wero unanimously adopted : The undenigned, Coinaiittee appointed by the Convention assembled at Trundle's X Roads, in Se vier county, on this, the Cth day of May, 1SCT, pur suant to previou appointment by primary meotinj of th r ilir- ff wi r the rcimtiei of Knot and othe Cincinnati, Uumoonana u F T ' Wxutc9 and us too much honor, in waning to as Railroad Compacy, five hundred thousand dol- , ;Xrr3 of the merita whU bar. led to your railroad ' hi"h advancement. I know yu appro7t tho friend- 000.) toa lm it-.Aft fiAA 1 l'v,m. . To the East Tenri'Sfee anil V irgmta i T v. foKA,l in Vnu. and will cermit Coropanv. three hundred thousand dollars V J " : J ,irne- m.n;f.t it rn all To the Knoxville and Kentucky Ha untiyom. , Fl- ;CDPT . rositioQ of ftlnj09t dangerous elevation,' Hut if you contioue aa here tofore, to bo'yourself, s'mplo, honest and unpretend ln", you will enjoy through life therepect and love of "friends and the homage of millions of beings that will award yon a lare phara In .mirinjj to pany, five hundrM thoaaand dollars ($jOS,000.) To the tfaahvilje and North-Wetorn llailroad Company twohundrvtd thousand dollars ($20(1,000) and to tho Winchester and Alabama Railroad Company, one imndTfd and fifty IhAtiannd dollara, ftir.oKM);) 1 bis IIl-s K til irsu;i "f ilia loTtntns skill of seveial fersvna, and dciuccil frons carefuCf cuudueted aacwrluteots, silk Ii are dcstlued to revolstuaiu all oth-r svsletus tf k'-tn V. llh this llive tha te-w ar entir-K' i).i-r tha tootroi cf lbs harpers. Il only nsl" a csreiol ' exanieatien tu satisfy any one of it. O'-ibty. St on k"eviine beea ean affi.rd to without II. 3 Ta mltaranfj the howy re hs enc?ed the at tention at ink'lh nt and entei-j-rWn; of all ajes. . - y-t wul.ln a few years I y . 1 tha introduction of iu i. i proved morabks f ram's knil Af1:ee imriffrtr.wnU. Vi f this porvuit, always t- jf tractive, ia rendered no 1' ni;-.' a bnstnesa or lui a ai chance, bat a certain and more remonerativs with stain capital man any omer ru- I " ii DR. P. H. CaRDYELL AS THIS DAi .BJTJif J'.OltU AN ..r.r,.mw-t h LU:h he wilbH iBth, rjtwUU . j i.. aa sa fntt mm tt awwsfwnlsr Siil raawrsWifaal WDfl bit aar w- vm rv ---a. Being the latest lprotm'.nt la cur probation, an 3 havlif been saOoienUy tested to warrant its utility, wa iaa i-Uaauxs la recesamenJing U aa belli S lt pre terable ia many rsi pecU to any ather baaa berc-toiiwa natd. ll can b ':d In nany ! stanr'S wtere ail otVr matJTUls fail. S on ns-d.therefora, despair. Call ea ia,fiv stie year work sad I will dsaacttrau Bimber that a tufl sat of '.etta aa tuis ascisou vju niy half whatitif wsaldon fold, and ret preferable le an resr-eta - .... m ri n..iwii I PAPER AND RAGS. HAZEN & SON HAVE THEIR PATER MILL now la consist operation. Priatiui aud VTrrtniii pinr furaisueU in DT ouaotith-s reuutrsd. V ll ray in eli tha hihest pries for clean cotton and liten Uajs AjI 11 wse iiru!t,;i J,vd lenrrall. -iRCiitM lor the hale of S. H. RANSOM & GO'S ' CELEBRATED- AJLBANY STOVES, ;aiVtimlnt tai j vair. ty of Cooking, Parlor and Heat'tug STOVES, si'irAsi.s. i.i ic i mn m ilk rt Ti( cr Tisxtasta. ral oocaiiation. I have alno tfc T.-e Kc ir i Tet Ttook, whirh has l n .vai.i r.eit. an.l snurh useful iafnrmati-a added. It la illustrated vnth numerous eneravinj-s and is a rompleU reference book on aU subjects of practical W culture, w ith Binnt diriK:tions for the uian.?envBt of b-a durin; evary .u r .r la both comcioa and lanvable eorub hives. ... fur information Ln relation to any f v. V.el.ines will receive tirinted pancnlels descriptive of them by arr'J a," 'tl,"r p''rlon1!gofc3Js,u1''rjL(; WJ C'lmmiwsry, Ni.T7 starket street, alve M, u,vl ".m Chaltan.v.fa, Tnn KEROSENE OIL. TU ST R E CEI V ED A SU l'PLY J KEROSENT Oil., at th Pm torof t,.VM 8. I). JUTCUKI.L A Ties re,au:ia of these .-'.cvts is t'vo ws.l esUb'uhs-Jla tkia nntrr to n-d romsaent. W shall al ail tint" kp oa hand a sapplj f tha vs se l an ass-rtraeutof eilra jlate for refairs. OF dcttll J WW. OFF3X.1N at to., Kaosvllta aa Joahrw', Tsaa. A bp. a THE BOOK OF "WONDERS. NEW MEDICAL WOOK OF SUE- LIMPS ! LAF.1PS ! LAMPS! PASHISiJ Interest, containing useful hints tui lnf.r- 1 -ye CC ") PTAIENT OF KEROSENE ation for tbs married and thaw eontamplatinf; warriaee. A ,.',V,PJ"'. vn riTTrP.E ,. baa?. Far seal a ntlroabyma lf T VifeoU. Address, 1 f(llt,l . ,f ' " p. y i u il F! I, ", m, ,!..' J. MoiR f, Vern..s, V. J. J lb rrni..r.f ;N