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8 r ft t Italian (itefi SUED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS W. R. FARRINQTON, EDITOR. SUBSCRIPTION RATESl Per month . . ... . .? .50 Per month, Foreign .75 Per year . .. - .'5.00 Per year, Foreiiru . G.OO Payable Invariably In Advance. G. BALLESTYNE, It.UHt.ESS ilAKAQEB. BUSINESS CARDS. LYLE A. DICKEY, Attorney at Law. P. O. Box 196. Honolulu. H.I. WILLIAM C. PARKE, A ttornov at Law and Agent to take Acknowlodffmonts No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu, H. I. W. R. CASTLE, Attorney at Law and Notary Attends all Courts of tho Republic. Honolulu, H. I. W. F. ALLEN, Will be oloased to transaot any buslnsss entrusted to his caro. Office over Bishop's Bank. WHITNEY & NICHOLS. Rooms on Fort Street. Office Dental In Brewer's BIock, cor. Fort and Hotel Sts; entrance. Hotel St. A. J. DERBY. D. D. S. Dentist. Street, Between Hotel and Beietania Streets, aosrs: 9 to 4. Telephone, 615 W. C. ACHI & CO. Biotas and Dealers in Real Estate. We will buy or sell Real Etato In all trt of the group. We will sell on reasonable commissions. 03ce: No. 10 West King StraeL M. S. GRIHBAOM & CO., Ltd. Importers and Commission Merchants. SAS FrCICO AID Hoiolulu. 215 Front St. Quem St. ED. IIOFFSCIILAEGER & CO., Importers and Commission KInand Bethel Streets, Honolulu, H. I. II. IIACKFELD CO., General Commission Agents. Quon Street, Honolulu, H. 1. F. A. SCII AEFER & CO., Importers and Commission Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. JOHN T. Wa'IERIIOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise Queen St., Hono- luiu. . LeweiN. F. J. Lowrev. C. M. Cooke. LEWERS & COOKE, to Levror Je Dlck&on. Importers and Dealers In Lumber and Building: Materials. Fort St. WILDER & CO., umber. Paints. Oils, Nalld, Salt, - and Building- Materials, all kinds. THE WESTERN - HAWAIIAN Investment Company, L'd. Money Loaned for lone: or short periods on approved security. W. W. HALL, Manager. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Machinery of every description made to orde r. H. E. MclNTYRE BRO., G rocery and Feed.Store. Corner King: ana is., nonoiuiu. HAWAIIAN WINE CO., Frank Brown, Manager. 28 and 30 Merchant St.. Honolulu. H.I. CHAS. BREWER & CO'S lii lis o n The bark "Nuuanu," will sail from New York for Honolulu on or about June 1st, 1897. For particulars call or address CHAS. BREWER & CO., 27 Kilby Street, Boston. Or C. BREWER & CO., Ltd., c Agents, Honolulu. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 TILLS Is warranted to cure all discharges from the Primary Organs. In either sex (acquired or constitutional). Gravel, and Pains In the Back. Guaranteed free from mercury. Sold In boxes, 4a. 6d. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Ven-1 1 dors throughout the World. Proprietors, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, XJncoln, England. Read the Hawaiian Gazette (Semi-Weekly). U K is n m j ; wa ""& HJvW! AT? r & : iv5 ftusQ AT THE GAZETTE OFFICE. JAPAN'S POINT Hawaiian Governinent to le As-el Questions. WITH SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Naniwa is Bringing Commissioner Akiyama. An Explanation of the Situation From Japanese Point of View. The Japan Gazette quotes two papers, published in the vernacular, on the history of negotiations, resulting from the sending back of the Japanese free laborers as follows: The Mainichi and Yoniiuri have not eactly the same version as to the instructions which Mr. Akiyama carried oer to Hawaii. The former says that the Foreign Office conceived the probability of the Hawaiian Government's shifting its ground as to the cause of the rejection which indeed appears to be the fact according to the Japanese Representative's last report. The Government, therefore, according to the Mainichi, specially furnished Mr. Akiyama with Instructions to meet the new explanation of the Hawaiian Government The Yomiurl, however, states that the instructions furnished to Mr. Akiyama were solely based on the original explanation made by the Republic, and hence Mr. Denison is now engaged in drawing up representations to be forwarded to Hawaii in connection with the new feature of the trouble. Be that as it may, the shifting of their ground by the Hawaiian Government may le taken in the sense of an admission on the part of that Government that its action cannot be borne out by reason. From what the has learned from certain quarters, the points to be presented to Hawaii in regard to the present complications are somewhat as appended: 1. For a so-called contract laborer there must be, either between the laborer and his employer or between the former and an emigration company a mutually concerted agreement determined in the form of contract to the effect that the laborer will undertake a certain kind of work or will be made to undertake it. 2. The perusal of the Hawaiian law, issued in 1895, clearly indicates that laborers who have agreements wih emigration companies merely in connection with the process of crossing over, cannot be regarded as contract laborers. 3. If the emigrants specified in the second clause be designated as contract laborers, what kind of laborers should be designated as free laborers whose landing has been acknowledged and permitted thus far? 4. In view of the fact that the Hawaiian Government formerly permitted the landing of laborers as specified in the second clause as free laborers, why was it maintained as illegal in the present case alone? 5. Was it not an act amounting to a perversion of the meaning of the law and calculated to vitiate mutual amity as well as contradicting the best international usage, if laborers coming under the second clause were all the time intended by the Hawaiian Government to be dealt with in accordance with this provision in Law No. 17, issued in 1895, the effect of such an interpretation being thai free laborers who conclude contracts with an emigration company shall be held as violating the law? The emigrants sent back on board the Coptic are now in a distressing condition, owing to want of funds, and negotiations are now being carried on between them and their emigration agency, the Morimura Garni, as to the payment of the return passage money-This certainly looks as if the Hawaiian authorities were correct in calling them destitute; but the story now is that, out of desperation, they took to gambling while coming back to Japan, and they do not readily consent to pay, event when their agent tells them that he will forego 10 yen out of the passage money of 30 yen. Apart from this question of money, the agent is at a loss what to do with them, but it is believed that, as most of them think it humiliating to return home, they will be willing to go to Brazil when the Kissa Emigration Company succeeds in concluding an agreement with that Republic about the sending of Japanese laborers. It is said that the amount of damages which each rejected emigrant claims from Hawaii is 313 yen. The sudden disfavor with which Japanese are now held In Hawaii has some deep cause behind it, as Mr. Kai's information already published in these columns testifies. Several other points not touched on in that gentleman's statement ought to be briefly set forth, so as to make the situation of the Japanese immigration question very clear. In the first place, while Portuguese and Chinamen are generally permanently settled in the archipelago, Japanese merely go there to amass money and to return home as quickly as possible. Secondly, the recent increased influx of free Immigrants from Japan and the consequent lowering of the scale " . .VOL. XXXIL NO. HONOLULU, H. L: TUESDAY, 31 AY 4, 1897. SEMI-WEEKLY. WHOLE NO. 1SG0. of wages very much provoke the anger of other laborers. And, while the Chi namen import goods from America, the .Tipanese, when they do Keep shops, deal In goods exclusively from home. The Japanese national liquor, for example, being cheaper and more palatable, has well-nigh superseded other foreign liquors in Hawaii. This of Japanese goods in the Hawaiian market has unfavorably impressed the other nationalities. All these and other causes, already given, have cojointly tended to bring the Japanese into disfavor with the Hawaiian Government. It ought to be added that the recent restrictions placed by the Government on the immigration of Japanese contract laborers to limit the proportion to 3 to 7 of Chinese, has lately increased the influx of free laborers from Japan. objection- FKOV JAI'AN. They ny Ilnil No Tllnlit to Iloftmn n Lnndlnjr to .TnptuH)e. YOKOHAMA, April 22. Count Oku-ma having demanded of the Hawaiian Government an explanation, through Minister Shimamura, a reply was recently given by that Government and conveyed to Tokyo just after Councilor Akiyama had left for Hawaii. From the reply it appears that the Hawaiian Minister for Foreign Affairs has given up the reasons he had maintained at first, and does not say anything about the cash in the emigrants' possession. Referring to free laborers, he says that they had a contract guaranteeing em ployment immediately after their landing, and therefore they were not really free laborers, but contract laborers, who ought to have been sent out after having gone through all the steps provided in the treaty, and that inasmuch as they had not gone through such formal proceedings they were illegal emigrants who could not be perr mitted to land. But as they had the regulation cash of $50 each, according to the treaty, the Hawaiian Government has, in fact, no reason to object to their landing, whatever contract they might have made with the emigration companies. The fact that' they had an understanding with the emigration companies that they should be given some kind of employment cannot afford any pretext for saying that thev arc not really free laborers. The Japanese authorities are, therefore, said to have found more than ever strong reasons for putting the onus of the question upon the Hawaiian Government. X.VXIWA IS POWKIIFUL. Cnptnln Knro Oka Hfi. Hurt Deli- onto Ml .Ion. Itoloi'o The Japan Gazette says that the was built in 1S85, and was the first protected cruiser in the Japanese navy. Her protected deck stood her during the war in good' stead, deflect-a shell which might otherwise have played havoc with her engines. She was struck two or three times, but re ceived practically no damage and no one was killed on board. The armament of the Naniwa is of the most formidable kind. Her big guns are Krupps, fixed on Armstrong hydraulic carriages, and her six-inch guns are the most modern quick-firing weapons to be found on any ship in the Far East, though the Powerful, when she arrives, will carry similar guns. Captain was in command of the in 1894 and captured the Yik-sang off Taku when that ship was landing contraband cargo. No man in the Japanese navy, then, Is better qualified to undertake the oner ous duty about to be entrusted to him. The further development of the affair will be a matter of deep concern to Japan and to Hawaii, while the United States may be depended upon to exercise all necessary vigilance. PA"MAfir.s TCXPFCTni). Kobe irmlcrnttlon Compuny llns Claim for Men Rrturneil. The Naniwa is to leave today for Hawaii says the Japan Mail of April 23. In the absence of telegraphic communication with the islands, the people of Japan will have to possess their souls in patience. Probably , month will elapse before they obtain any clear information as to the course of the negotiations opened by direction of Count Okuma. It is said that the Emigration Company of Kobe claims 320.60 yen for every man turned back. We are somewhat surprised that the calculation does not extend to rin. When a Japanese takes a soroban into his hand, tenths of a yen become tangible realities to him. The sum of 320.60 yen is to cover all the expense of traveling, outfit and so forth. It sounds a good deal . The Kobe Company had 313 emigrants returned, so that Its total demand amounts to 97,893.18 yen. Convention The Japan Gazette of April 20th, says, in regard to the Japanese-Hawaiian affair that when the present negotiations connected with the emigrants' affairs are concluded, Count Okuma intends to make a special convention on the emigration question, in order to avoid a misunderstanding in the future. People StaeI nt Homp. YOKOHAMA, April 17. With refer: ence to the disposal of the 326 laborers, whose departure for Hawaii by the Hakusan Maru was stopped by the authorities, owing to the trouble now pending between both countries, a Tokyo paper say? that 108 men, from prefecture, have been engaged by the Tokyo arsenal as coolies and 218, from Kumamoto prefecture, have also been taken over by the Yokohama Dock Company. With regard to 32 females, arrangements are now being made to employ them in a certain cotton spring mill. Knglnecr Cnra to firlef. YOKOHAMA, April 23. Nagasaka, the third engineer of the cruiser which left for Honolulu a few days ago, has been arrested by gendarme's on a charge of having overstayed leave. When arrested he was found wandering about Shinjiku, his ship having left while he was on a spree. He will be in a few days. Will Call nt Honolulu. The Japan Gazette quotes from the Osahi that owing to the negotiations with the Hawaiian Government and a consequent increase of communications all the steamers on the American line of the Toyo Kisen Kaisha will b ordered to call at Honolulu. ' lln ClmnKPI Owners. YOKOHAMA, April 23. The steamer Shinshu Maru, owned by Mr. which recently returned from Hawaii, has been chartered at Kobe by the .Nippon usen Kaisha. Great Cure in East Loudon. At the back of the Mile End-road was once a house of sorrow and sadness. Up to eighteen months ago, Rebecca Emanuel bade fair to sustain the reputation of her race for the beauty of its womankind. Then thp first symptoms of illness presented themselves. She became emaciated, and worn-looking;, from being brimful of healthy energy, she became weak that the last exertion was to great to be borne, and all her friends gave her up for lost. "We all thought there was no hope for her," said her mother, to a reporter of the East London Advertiser who called at No. 1 Beaumont-square, "Rebecca could not even go upstairs by herself. As soon as she had got up two or three stairs she would have to stop. Her heart palpitated so much, and she was seized with such fainting first that she was absolutely helpless. Even a walk out of doors is impossible, for over and over again Rebecca would be taken with a fainting fit and have to be carried home. Then it was that we read of the wonderful cure of Mrs. Haydon, of Corbon-road, and heard of other similar cases, and we thought that even if a trial of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did no good they would, at all events, do no harm. So we got a box, and the immediate improvement was most astonishing. But there, you can see for yourself," said the mother as Rebecca entered the room a graceful young woman of nineteen, looking the very picture of health, and of most vivacious manner. It was hard to Imagine that but a few months ago she was lying on a sick bed, the despair of her relatives. "I was as HI as anyone could be," she said. "I could scarcely walk, to go upstairs was impossible. I shrank from my food, and could do no work of any kind. For four months I was under the care of a doctor, who certainly did all he could for me. I was induced to try a box of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. The change was marvelous. Be fore I had used half the box my appetite began to return, thQ palpitation of my heart ceased, the fainting fits departed, and I began to feel a changed girl. I persevered with a second and then a third box, and the cure was complete. "Now," continued Miss Emanuel, "I can do my work without any weariness. I can go for a long walk without any fear of being overtaken with a fainting fit. It is now four months since I left off taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and although I have worked hard since, I have not felt the slightest return of my illness. I have not the slightest doubt as to the permanency of the cure." v Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not like other medicine, and their effects are permanent. They act directly on the blood, and thus it is that they are so famous for the cure of anaemia and rheumatism, scrofula, chronic erysipelas, and to restore pale and sallow complexions to. the glow of health. They are also a splendid nerve and spinal tonic, and thus have cured many cases of paralysis, locomotor ataxy, neuralgia, St Vitus' dance, and nervous headache. Sold by all dealers in medicine and by Hollister Drug Co., Hobron Drug Co., wholesale agents for the Hawaiian Islands. TURKS ARE SUPERIOR. Calmly Advices tho Power to Walt. LONDON, April 23. The Turks have carried all the frontier passes commanding the road to Larissa, and are now bombarding Tyrnavos, to which point the, Greeks have retired. The Turks are greatly superior In artillery over their opponents. Despite a small Greek gain in Epirus, it is an undoubted fact that, so far, the Turks are victorious. The Greek police have been ordered to reinforce the army, whilst their duties will be carried on by civilians. Russia has sent a note to the other powers,,advising them to remain In an expectant attitude until one or the other of the combatants requests their Intervention, adding that meanwhile It will be necessary that they maintain the blockade of Crete and hold the island in trust. OFF FOR L Hawaiian Delation to Queen's MAJOR IAUKEA AS ATTACHE -Will Convey tions to Queen. On Previous Missions for Former Government Some of His v Decorations. Maj. Curtis' P. Iaukea, of President Dole's staff, who accompanies the Hon, S. M. Damon to England as attache and secretary of legation, has on form' er occasions represented this- try abroad in various capacities, the first being his mission to Moscow, as the bearer of the King's congratula' H0mm Ja mwW MAJ. CURTIS P. IAUKEA. Attache and Secretary Hawaiian Le- gation at London, England. tions to their Imperial Majesties, the Emperor and Empress of Russia, on the occasion of their coronation in 1883. As the representative of this country on that occasion. Major Iaukea was invested with the Grand Crow of the Imperial Order of Saint Stanislaus. On that same mission he was intrusted by the then Government with important matters of state, chief among which was the East Indian and Japanese immigration, the question cf labor being at that time of vital importance to the chief industry of the count-try. As a result of this mission the Labor Convention betweon this country and Japan was successfully negotiated. R. W. Irwin, the present" Hawaiian Minister Resident to Japan, accompanied Mr. Iaukea on his return to Hawaii to conclude negotiations. The last Important foreign mission intrusted by the Hawaiian to Mr. Iaukea, and one of which he is most proud, was when, as Chamberlain of the Royal Household, he accompanied Queen KapiolanI, at present the Queen Dowager, and the ex-Queen, Liliuokalani, then heir apparent, to London, on the occasion cf Her Majesty, Queen Victoria's juMlee In 1887. The royal visitors were graciously received ly Her Majesty, and during tlielc entire stay in Londin were the guests of the British Sover eign. In commemoration of that v'slt. Major Iaukea received the Tubllee Medal, which he will probably wear with distinction on the occasion of his visit to London with Mr. Damon. Among Major Iaukea's greatest treasures are the various decorations he has been invested with by foreign monarchs jn occasions of his visits to their courts as the representative of Kalaukaua Some of these are exceedingly high in class. Among the decorations are the Grand Crosses and Cordon of the royal orders of Saint Stanislaus of Russia and Takoro of Servla; grand officers crosses of the Crown of Italy; St. Olav of Sweden, and Rising Sun of Japan; ofilcer of the Legion of Honor of France, besides four of the five Hawaiian decoration? invested by the late King and other medals of lesser note. On the occasion of his visit to England, In 1887, the King intrusted him with a number of shell necklaces, which he was to present to the daughters of the Prince and Princess of Wales. In acknowledging Major Iaukea's kindness, the Prince presented him with a handsome diamond ring. Mr. Iaukea has held with honor and credit many important posts in this country at various times during reign. He has been Collector General of Customs, Chamberlain of the Royal Household, Secretary of the Foreign Office, Governor of the Island of Oahu, Secretary of the Privy Council of State, Commissioner and Agent of Crown Xands, Adjutant General of the forces, as well as other honorary s positions. He was born in Waltnea. Hawail. 41 years ago. He received his education in the school conducted bj Archdeacon Mason at what Is now-known a3 IolanI College. yenrs ago he was given a clerkship la the Interior Department, under Chief. Clerk Hassinger, and has remained la Government service since then. He i a genial gentleman and extremeir popular with whom he comes In contact He was a special favorite of and when the remains of that monarch were brought here on the Charleston, Mr. Iaukea was selected by the Queen Dowager to represent her when the remains were conveyed to to when the remains were conveyed to the Palace. Just two years ago thl lady presented him with the handsome gold watch worn by at the time of his death in San Francisco. At present Mr. Iaukea U chief clerk of the Government Land Department, under Mr. Brown. THINKING IT OVER. Labor CommLiotier Fit7$;ruld KntlicrcU Over Appropriation. In a recent interview with the Labor Commissioner Kit-gem' J was told that the Government hud "o funds available for the purpose of bringing white laborers to the Mand Some time afterward the was given a copy of the last legls lative reports, and in going over the appropriation bill, found an iem "For the encouragement of immigra tlon other than Asiatics. $50,000 " When seen at the hotel last night Mr. Fitzgerald was in a quandry "I can't say that I quite understanl it." he remarked. "Mr. Smith toM me that just now the Government hud n funds available for thp purpose, sn the most they can do is to reconinTn1 the 10 per cent of while labor provlde.1 for In the agreement. I don't Just understand this $50,000 Item. Jttet it Is ono for $10,000 for Investigation, and I understand this has been broken Into by the expense of sending a commissioner to Enslan' and bringing an expert here. I won! ! like to know about the other, beev'se that Is much more than is nee -a r to begin on. If the people here ' n want white laborers on the Islim' I vould like to know It now." Attorney General Smith wan M-phoned to later on the subject, and replied that to the best of his the Item was naseed for the pose 0f using the money In defraying- the expenses of the families of Euro- P"-" 'S". T. T try, uie planters uouuuug meir ainij to stand all of the e.Tpense. SPI-CIAL SESSION. Board Convcno to Arrival of China. A special session of the Pm-d if Health was held at 8:45 a m for the purpose of taking ar-mi on the arrival of the-P. M. S S f'hma Thoge present were- President Smii'i Dre. Day and Wood; Messrs. T F sing and C. A. Brown. President Smith reported on the steerage passengers for this were 6t Chinese and 25t; Japar ceo. The latter had been in qudrant.c 11 days before leaving Yokoh tiua There had been no slckneso ! iir kind aboard the China. A communication from Dr. EMreag was to the effect that the smallpox epidemic In Japan was about at an end. President Smith recommended 'hat the cabin passengers for this port be allowed to land, and that the through cabin passengers be allowed to mme ashore If they cared. The boan' o voted. It was alio voted that tho ffpraga passengers be allowed to land on completion of IS days from Yokohama In regard to the Chinese wof n who had come in the European sUerag" the board decided to allow them to 1 'id with the saloon passengers. At the suggestion of Dr. Day the board voted to fumigate the frelgh of the China AUVritMAV KKDKItATIOV ln Iliilltv tlim Atixtnillu Will - . u w UuiSar One Guv.rumfit WASHINGTON, April im portant report upon the political ' of Australia, just sent to the Stat' Department by Con.ii! General Man' ta, says that tho Colonies are on 'h eve of federation. An election is to he held at once to elect doIegaf to a convention to bring about a union f the Colonies. It Is propoied to have a governor general of the federation be appointed by the Queen, with lie't tenant governors for the different colonies, chosen by people of the Sat-Many differences of opinion, the Con sul reports, exist between the lndi"? premiers on minor points, but the cor. vention Is expected to adjust these He predicts that in a short time Australia will be under one government and known to the world as the Au? trallan Nation. According to the newspapers an Ohio husband became the happy father of seven children not long ago. Of the seven all lived but one. It to be hoped that he laid in a supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, the only sre cure for croup, whooping cough, i-old and coughs, ang so insured his rh against these diseases. For by all druggists and dealers Ben on Smith Co., agents for II I '. i tl f.. ' t i " i tl t 1 ' w . rm v a . rl H c3J - - h -i u 1 H