752/1 Romulus, son of Mars, king, over the Caeninenses, k.Mart. {1st March}
[752/1] Romulus, son of Mars {II}, king, [over the Antemnates ...]
[11 lines lost]
[ ... ] [Ancus Marcius ... king, over the Sab]ines and [Veientes ...]
[ ... ] L. Tarquinius Priscus, son of Damaratus, king, over the Latins, k.Quint. {1st July}
588/7 L. Tarquinius Priscus, son of Damaratus {II}, king, over the Etruscans, [k.A]pr. {1st April}
585/4 L. Tarquinius Priscus, son of Damaratus {III}, king, over the Sabines, id.Sext. {13th September}
571/0 Ser. Tullius, king, over the Etruscans, 6 k.Dec. {25th November}
567/6 Ser. Tullius {II}, king, over the Etruscans, 8 k.Jun. {25th May}
[ ... ] Ser. Tullius {III}, king, over the Etruscans, 4 non.[...]
[ ... ] L. Tarquinius [Superbus, son of Priscus,] grandson of Damaratus, [king, over the Volsci ...]
[ ... ] L. Tarquinius Superbus, [son of Priscus, grandson of Damaratus {II}, king, over the Sabines ...]
[509/8] P. Valer[ius Volusi f. ... Poplicola,] consul, [over the Veientes and Tarquinienses, k.Mart.] {1st March}
[505/4] M. Valerius [Volusi f. ... Volusus,] consul, [over the Sabines ...]
[505/4] P. Postumius [Q.f. ... Tubertus,] consul, [over the Sabines ...]
[504/3] P. Valerius [Volusi f. ...] Poplicola [{II}, [consul {IV}, over] the Sabines and Veientes, [ ...] non.Mai.
503/2 P. Postumius [Q.f. ... Tubertus,] consul {II}, an o[vation over the Sabines], 3 non.Apr. {3rd April}
503/2 Agrippa [Menenius C.f. ...] Lanatus, consul, over the [Sabines], pr. non.Apr. {4th April}
502/1 Sp. Cassius [ ... Vicellinus,] consul, over [{?} the Sabines ...]
[{?}496/5] A. Postumius [P.f. ... Albus] Regillensis, [dictator, over the Latins ...]
[494/3] M'. Valerius [Volusi f. ... Maximus,] dictator, [over the Sabines and Medullini ...]
[6 lines lost]
[486/5] [Sp. Cassius ... Vicellinus {II}, consul {III}, over the Volsci, Hernici, ...] k.Jun.
475/4 [P. Valerius P.f. Volusi n.] Poplicola, [consul, over the Veientes] and Sabines, k.Mai. {1st May}
474/3 [A. Manlius Cn.f. P.n. Vulso, consul, an ovation over the Veientes], id.Mart. {15th March}
[468/7] [T. Quinctius L.f. L.n. Capitolinus Barbatus, consul {II}, over the Volsci of Antium ...]
[462/1] [L. Lucretius T.f. T.n. Tricipitinus, consul, over the Aequi and Volsci ...]
[462/1] [T. Veturius T.f. ...] Geminus [Cicurinus, consul, an ovation over the Aequi] and [Volsci ...]
[459/8] [Q. Fabius M.f. K.n. Vibulanus, consul {III}, over] the Aequi [and Volsci ...] non.Mai.
459/8 [L.] Cornelius Ser.f. P.n. [Maluginensis Uritinus], consul, over the Volsci of Antium, 4 id.Mai. {12th May}
458/7 [L.] Quinctius L.f. L.n. Cincinnatus, [dictator], over the Aequi, id.Sept. {13th September}
449/8 [L. Valerius] P.f. P.n. Poplicola Potitus, [consul], over the Aequi, id.Sext. {13th August}
449/8 [M.] Horatius M.f. L.n. Barbatus, [consul, over] the Sabines, 7 k.Sept. {24th August}
443/2 [M. Geganius] M.[f. ...] Macerinus, [consul {II},] over the V[olsci], non.Sept. {5th September}
437/6 [M. Valerius M.f. M'.n. {?} Lactuca Maxi]mus, [consul, over the ...], id.Sext. {13th August}
[25 lines lost]
[367/6] [M. Furius L.f. Sp.n. Camillus {IV}, dictator {V}, over the Gauls, ...].Nov.
361/0 [T. Quinctius ... Pennus Capitolinus Crispinus, dictator, over the Gauls, ...]nalia
361/0 [C. Sulpicius M.f. Q.n. Peticus, consul {II}, over the Hernici, ... Ma]rt.
360/59 [C. Poetelius C.f. Q.n. Libo Visolus], consul, over the Gauls and Tiburtes, 4 k.Sext. {29th July}
360/59 M. Fabius N.f. M.n. Ambustus, consul, an ovation over the Hernici, non.Sept. {5th September}
358/7 C. Sulpicius M.f. Q.n. Peticus {II}, dictator, over the Gauls, non.Mai. {7th May}
358/7 C. Plautius P.f. P.n. Proculus, consul, over the Hernici, id.Mai. {15th May}
357/6 C. Marcius L.f. C.n. Rutilus, consul, over the Privernates, k.Jun. {1st June}
356/5 C. Marcius L.f. C.n. Rutilus, dictator, over the Etruscans, pr. non.Mai. {6th May}
354/3 M. Fabius N.f. M.n. Ambustus {II}, [consul {III},] over the Tiburtes, 3 non.Jun. {3rd June}
350/49 [M. Popi]llius M.f. C.n. Laenas, consul {III}, over the Gauls, Quirinalia {17th February}
346/5 [M. Va]lerius M.f. M.n. Corvus, consul {II}, over the Volsci of Antium and the Satricani, k.Feb. {1st February}
343/2 [M. Vale]rius M.f. M.n. Corvus {II}, consul {III}, over the Samnites, 10 k.Oct. {21st September}
343/2 [A. Cor]nelius P.f. A.n. Cossus Arvina, consul, over the Samnites, 9 k.Oct. {22nd September}
340/39 [T.] Manlius L.f. A.n. Imperiosus Torquatus, consul {III}, over the Latins, Campanians, Sidicini and Aurunci, 15 k.Jun. {18th May}
339/8 [Q. P]ublilius Q.f. Q.n. Philo, consul, over the Latins, id.Jan. {13th January}
338/7 L. Furius Sp.f. M.n. Camillus, consul, over the Pedani and Tiburtes, 4 k.Oct. {27th September}
338/7 C. Maenius P.f. P.n., consul, over the Antiates, Lavinii and Veliterni, pr. k.Oct. {29th September}
335/4 [M. Vale]rius M.f. M.n. Corvus {III}, consul {IV}, over the Caleni, id.Mart. {15th March}
329/8 [L.] Aemilius L.f. L.n. Mamercinus Privernas, consul {II}, over the Privernates, k.Mart. {1st March}
329/8 C. Plautius P.f. P.n. Decianus, consul, over the Privernates, k.Mart. {1st March}
326/5 Q Publilius Q.f. Q.n. Philo {II}, the first proconsul, over the Samnites and Palaeopolitani, k.Mai. {1st May}
324/3 L. Papirius Sp.f. L.n. Cursor, dictator, over the Samnites, 3 non.Mart. {5th March}
322/1 L. Fulvius L.f. L.n. Curvus, consul, over the Samnites, Quirinalia {17th February}
322/1 Q. Fabius M.f. N.n. Maximus Rullianus, consul, over the Samnites and Apulians, 12 k.Mart. {18th February}
319/8 L. Papirius Sp.f. L.n. Cursor {II}, consul {III}, over the Samnites, 10 k.Sept. {21st August}
314/3 C. Sulpicius Ser.f. Q.n. Longus, consul {III}, over the Samnites, k.Quint. {1st July}
312/1 M. Valerius M.f. M.n. Maximus, consul, over the Samnites and Sorani, id.Sext. {13th August}
311/0 C. Junius C.f. C.n. Bubulcus Brutus, consul {III}, over the Samnites, non.Sext. {5th August}
311/0 Q. Aemilius Q.f. L.n. Barbula, consul {II}, over the Etruscans, id.Sext. {13th August}
309/8 L. Papirius Sp.f. L.n. Cursor {III}, dictator {II}, over the Samnites, id.Oct. {15th October}
309/8 Q. Fabius M.f. N.n. Maximus Rullianus {II}, proconsul, over the Etruscans, id.Nov. {13th November}
306/5 Q. Marcius Q.f. Q.n. Tremulus, consul, over the Anagnini and Hernici, pr. k.Quint. {29th June}
305/4 M. Fulvius L.f. L.n. Curvus Paetinus, consul, over the Samnites, 3 non.Oct. {5th October}
304/3 P. Sempronius P.f. C.n. Sophus, consul, over the Aequi, 7 k.Oct. {24th September}
304/3 P. Sulpicius Ser.f. P.n. Saverrio, consul, over the Samnites, 4 k.Nov. {29th October}
302/1 C. Junius C.f. C.n. Bubulcus Brutus {II}, dictator, over the Aequi, 3 k.Sext. {30th July}
301/0 M. Valerius M.f. M.n. Corvus {IV}, dictator {II}, over the Etruscans and Marsi, 10 k.Dec. {21st November}
[299/8] M. Fulvius Cn.f. Cn.n. Paetinus, consul, over the Samnites and Nequinates, 7 k.Oct. {24th September}
298/7 Cn. Fulvius Cn.f. Cn.n. Maximus Centumalus, consul, over the Samnites and Etruscans, id.Nov. {13th November}
295/4 Q. Fabius M.f. N.n. Maximus Rullianus {III}, consul {V}, over the Samnites, Etruscans and Gauls, pr non.Sept. {4th September}
294/3 L. Postumius L.f. Sp.n. Megellus, consul {II}, over the Samnites and Etruscans, 6 k.Apr. {27th March}
294/3 M. Atilius M.f. M.n. Regulus, consul, over the Volsones and Samnites, 5 k.Apr. {28th March}
293/2 Sp. Carvilius C.f. C.n. Maximus, consul, over the Samnites, id.Jan. {13th January}
293/2 [L. Papiriu]s L.f. Sp.n. Cursor, consul, over the Samnites, id.Feb. {13th February}
291/0 [Q. Fabius Q.f. M.n. M]aximus [Gurges, proconsul, over the Samnites, ...] k.Sext.
[21 lines lost]
[282/1] [C. Fabricius C.f. C.n. Luscinus, consul, over the Samnites, Lucani and Bruttii,] 3 non.Mart. {5th March}
281/0 [Q. Mar]cius Q.f. Q.n. Philippus, [consul,] over the Etruscans, k.Apr. {1st April}
280/79 [Ti. Coru]ncanius Ti.f. Ti.n., consul, over the Vulsinienses and Vulcientes,] k.Feb. {1st February}
280/79 [L.] Aemilius Q.f. Q.n. Barbula, proconsul, over the Tarentines, Samnites and Sallentini, 6 id.Quint. {10th July}
278/7 C. Fabricius C.f. C.n. Luscinus {II}, consul {II}, over the Lucani, Bruttii, Tarentines and Samnites, id.Dec. {13th December}
277/6 C. Junius C.f. C.n. Brutus Bubulcus, consul {II}, over the Lucani and Bruttii, non.Jan. {5th January}
276/5 Q. Fabius Q.f. M.n. Maximus Gurges {II}, consul {II}, over the Samnites, Lucani and Bruttii, Quirinalia {17th February}
275/4 M'. Curius M'.f. M'.n. Dentatus {IV}, [consul {II}, over the Sa]mnites and king Pyrrhus, [...].Feb.
275/4 [L. Cornelius] Ti.f. Ser.n. Lentulus [Caudinus], consul, over the Samnites and [Lucani], k.Mart. {1st March}
273/2 [C. Claudius] M.f. C.n. Canina, [consul {II}, over the Luca]ni, Samnites [and Bruttii], Quirinalia {17th February}
[272/1] [Sp. Carvilius C.f. C.n. Ma]ximus {II}, [consul {II}, over the Samnites, Lucani, Bruttii] and Tarentines, non.[...]
[272/1] L. Papirius L.f. [Sp.n.] Cursor {II}, consul {II}, over the Tarentines, [Lucani, Samnites] and Bruttii, [...]
[270/69] [Cn.] Cornelius [P.f. Cn.n. Blasio, consul], over the Regini, [...]
[268/7] [P.] Sempronius P.f. P.n. [Sophus, consul], over the Picentes, [...]
[268/7] Ap. Claudius Ap.f. C.n. [Russus], consul, over the Picentes, [...]
[267/6] M. Atilius M.f. L.n. Regulus, consul, over the Sallentini, 8 [k.Feb.] {23rd January}
[267/6] L. Julius L.f. L.n. Libo, consul, over the Sallentini, 8 k.Feb. {23rd January}
266/5 D. Junius D.f. D.n. Pera, consul, over the Sassinates, 5 k.Oct. {26th September}
266/5 N. Fabius C.f. M.n. Pictor, consul, over the Sassinates, 3 non.Oct. {5th October}
266/5 N. Fabius C.f. M.n. Pictor {II}, consul, over the Sallentini and Messapii, k.Feb. {1st February}
266/5 D. Junius D.f. D.n. Pera {II}, consul, over the Sallentini and Messapii, non.Feb. {5th February}
264/3 M. Fulvius Q.f. M.n. Flaccus, consul, over the Vulsinienses, k.Nov. {1st November}
263/2 M'. Valerius M.f. M.n. Maximus Messalla, consul, over the Carthaginians and Hieron king of the Sicilians, 16 k.Apr. {17th March}
260/59 C. Duilius M.f. M.n., consul, the first naval triumph, over the Sicilians and the Carthaginian fleet, k.Interk.
259/8 L. Cornelius L.f. Cn.n. Scipio, consul, over the Carthaginians, Sardinia and Corsica, 5 id.Mart. {11th March}
258/7 C. Aquillius M.f. C.n. Florus, proconsul, over the Carthaginians, 4 non.Oct. {4th October}
[258/7] C. Sulpicius Q.f. Q.n. Paterculus, consul, over the Carthaginians and Sardinia, 3 non.Oct. {5th October}
[257/6] A. Atilius A.f. C.n. Caiatinus, praetor, naval triumph over Sicily and the Carthaginians, 14 k.Feb. {17th January}
[257/6] C. Atilius M.f. M.n. Regulus, consul, over the Carthaginians, [8 ... ]
[256/5] L. Manlius A.f. P.n. Vulso Longus, consul, naval triumph over the Carthaginians [8 ... ]
[254/3] Ser. Fulvius M.f. M.n. Paetinus Nobilior, proconsul, over the Cossurenses, and naval triumph over the Carthaginians, 13 k.Feb. {18th January}
254/3 M. Aemilius M.f. L.n. Paullus, proconsul, over the Cossurenses, and naval triumph over the Carthaginians, 12 k.Feb. {19th January}
253/2 Cn. Cornelius L.f. Cn.n. Asina, proconsul, over the Carthaginians, 10 k.Apr. {23rd March}
253/2 C. Sempronius Ti.f. Ti.n. Blaesus, consul, over the Carthaginians, k.Apr. {1st April}
252/1 C. Aurelius L.f. C.n. Cotta, consul, over the Carthaginians and Sicilians, id.Apr. {13th April}
[250/49] L. Caecilius L.f. C.n. Metellus, proconsul, over the Carthaginians, 7 id.Sept. {7th September}
241/0 C. Lutatius C.f. C.n. Catulus, proconsul, naval triumph over the Carthaginians in Sicily, 4 non.Oct. {4th October}
241/0 Q. Valerius Q.f. P.n. Falto, propraetor, naval triumph from Sicily, pr. non.Oct. {6th October}
241/0 Q. Lutatius C.f. C.n. Cerco, consul, over the Falisci, k.Mart. {1st March}
241/0 A. Manlius T.f. T.n. Torquatus, consul {II}, over the Falisci, 4 non.Mart. {4th March}
[236/5] P. Cornelius L.f. Ti.n. Lentulus, consul, over the Ligurians, id.Interk.
[235/4] T. Manlius T.f. T.n. Torquatus, consul, over the Sardinians, 6 id.Mart. {10th March}
[234/3] Sp. Carvilius Sp.f. C.n. Maximus, consul, over the Sardinians, k.Apr. {1st April}
233/2 Q. Fabius Q.f. Q.n. Maximus Verrucosus, consul, over the Ligurians, k.Feb. {1st February}
[233/2] M'. Pomponius M'.f. M'.n. Matho, consul, over the Sardinians, id.Mart. {15th March}
231/0 C. Papirius C.f. L.n. Maso, consul, over the Corsicans, the first triumph on the Alban Mount, 3 non.Mart. {5th March}
228/7 Cn. Fulvius Cn.f. Cn.n. Centumalus, proconsul, naval triumph over the Illyrians, 10 k.Quint. {21st June}
225/4 L. Aemilius Q.f. Cn.n. Papus, consul, over the Gauls, 3 non.Mart. {5th March}
223/2 C. Flaminius C.f. L.n., consul, over the Gauls, 6 id.Mart. {10th March}
223/2 P. Furius Sp.f. M.n. Philus, consul, over the Gauls and Ligurians, 4 id.Mart. {12th March}
[222/1] M. Claudius M.f. M.n. Marcellus, proconsul, over the Insubrian Gauls and the Germans, k.Mart. {1st March}
- he brought back the spolia opima after killing the enemy leader, Virdumarus, at Clastidium
[some lines lost]
[197/6] [Q. Minucius C.f. C.n. Rufus, consul,] over the G[auls and the Ligurians, on the] Alban [Mount, ...]
[196/5] M. Claudius M.f. M.n. Marcellus, consul, over the Insubrian Gauls, 4 non.Mart. {4th March}
[196/5] Cn. Cornelius [ ... ] Blasio, - because he had an irregular [command] in Nearer Spain, [he was allowed] an ovation [over the Celtiberi ...]
[195/4] M. Helv[ius ... proconsul, an ovation over the Celtiberi ... ]
[195/4] Q. Mi[nucius Q.f. L.n. Thermus,] proconsul, [from Further Spain ... ]
[194/3] M. Por[cius M.f. Cato, proconsul,] from [Nearer Spain ... ]
[194/3] T. Quinc[tius T.f. L.n. Flamininus,] proconsul, [from Macedonia and king] Philippus [for three days ... ]
[191/0] M. Fulvius M.f. Ser.n. Nobilior proconsul, an ov[ation from Further Spain], 15 k.Jan. {16 December}
[191/0] P. Cornelius [Cn.f. L.n. Nasica, consul, over the Boian Gauls ... ]
[189/8] [L. Aemilius M.f. ... Regillus, pro]praetor, naval triumph from Asia over king Antiochus, k.Feb. {1st February}
[189/8] L. Cornelius P.f. L.n. Scipio, proconsul, from Asia over [king Antiochus, pr. k.Mart.] {28th February}
[188/7] Q. Fabius Q.f. Q.n. Labeo, [praetor,] naval triumph [from] Asia over king Antiochus, non.Feb. {5th February}
[187/6] [M. Ful]vius M.f. Ser.n. Nobil[ior {II}, [consul, over the Aetolians and Ceph[allenia, 10 k.Jan.] {21st December}
[187/6] [Cn. Manlius] Cn.f. L.n. Vulso, [consul, from Asia over the Gauls, 3 non.Mart.] {5th March}
[about 19 lines lost]
178/7 [Ti. Sempronius P.f. Ti.n.] Gracchus, [proconsul, over the Celt]iberi and Spaniards, 3 non.F[eb.] {3rd February}
178/7 [L. Postumius] A.f. A.n. Albinus, pro[consul, from] Lusitania and Spain, pr. non.Feb. {4th February}
[177/6] C. Claudius [Ap.f. P.n.] Pulcher, consul, over the Istri and Ligurians, k.Interk.
[175/4] Ti. Sempronius P.f. Ti.n. Gracchus {II}, proconsul, from Sardinia, Terminalia {23rd February}
[175/4] M. Titin[ius ...] M.n. Curvus, pro[consul, from Nearer Spain ... ]
[175/4] M. Aemilius M.f. M.n. Lepidus, consul {II}, over the Ligurians, 4 id.[Mart.] {12th March}
[175/4] P. Mucius Q.f. P.n. Scaevola, consul, over the Ligurians, 4 id.[Mart.] {12th March}
[174/3] Ap. Claudius C.f. Ap.n. Centho, pro[consul], an ovation from Celtiberia in Spain, [k.Mart.] {1st March}
[172/1] [C. Ci]cer[eius ... who had been] a scribe, propraetor, on the Alban Mount from Corsica, k.Oct. {1st October}
[167/6] L. Aemilius L.f. M.n. Paullus {II}, proconsul, from Macedonia and king Perseus, for three days, 4, 3, pr. k.Dec. {from 27th to 29th November}
[167/6] Cn. Octavius Cn.f. Cn.n., propraetor, naval triumph from Macedonia and king Perseus, k.Dec. {1st December}
167/6 L. Anicius L.f. M.n. Gallus, propraetor, over king Genthius and the Illyrians, Quirinalia {17th February}
166/5 M. Claudius M.f. M.n. Marcellus, consul, over the Contrubian Gauls, Ligurians and Eleates, k.Interk.
166/5 [C. Sulpici]us C.f. C.n. Galus, consul, over the Ligurian Ta[...]rni, 10 k.Mart. {20th February}
[158/7] [M. Fulvius] M.f. M.n. Nobilior, proconsul, over Ligurian Eleates, 12 k.Sept. {19th August}
[155/4] [M. Claudius] M.f. M.n. Marcellus {II}, consul {II}, [over the ...]es and Apua[ni, ... ]
[155/4] [P. Cornelius] P.f. Cn.n. [Scipio Nasica, consul {II]}, over the Dalmatians ... ]
[about 33 lines lost]
129 C. Sempronius C.f. C.n. Tuditanus, consul, over the Iapydes, k.Oct. {1st October}
126 M'. Aquillius M'.f. M'.n., proconsul, from Asia, 3 id.Nov. {11th November}
123 M. Fulvius M.f. Q.n. Flaccus, pro[consul, over the Li]gurians, Vocontii and Salluvii [ ... ]
[122] C. Sextius C.f. C.n. Calvinus, proconsul, over the Ligurians, Vocontii and Salluvii [ ... ]
[122] L. Aurelius L.f. L.n. Orestes, proconsul, from Sardinia, 6 id.Dec. {8th December}
[121] Q. Caecilius Q.f. Q.n. Metellus Balearicus, proconsul, over the Baleares, pr. n[on... ]
[120] Q. Fabius Q.Aemiliani f. Q.n. Maximus, proconsul, over the Allobroges and Bituitus, king of the Arverni, 10 k.[... ]
[120] Cn. Domitius Cn.f. Cn.n. Ahenobarbus, proconsul, over the Arvernian Gauls, 16 k.[... ]
[117] L. Caecilius L.f. Q.n. Metellus Delmaticus, proconsul, over the Dalmatians, 3 n[on... ]
[117] Q. Marcius Q.f. Q.n. Rex, proconsul, over the Ligurian Styni, 3 non.Dec. {3rd December}
115 M. Aemilius M.f. L.n. Scaurus, consul, over the Carnian Gauls, 5 [...De]c.
111 M. Caecilius Q.f. Q.n. Mete[llus, pro]consul, from Sardinia, [id.Quin]t. {15th July}
111 [C. Caeci]lius Q.f. Q.n. [Metellus Capruarius, proconsul, from Thrace, id.]Quint. {15th July}
110 [M. Livius C.f. M.Aemiliani n.] Drusus, [proconsul, over the Scordisci] and Macedonians, k.Mai. {1st May}
107 [Q. Servilius Cn.f. Cn.n.] Caepio, pro[consul, from Further Spain], 5 k.Nov. {28th October}
106 [Q. Caecilius L.f. Q.n. Metel]lus Numidicus, [proconsul, over the Numidians and] king Jugurtha, [ ... ]
106 [M. Minucius Q.f. ... Rufus, pro]consul, [over the Scordisci and Thracians, [ ...]k.Sext.
104 [C. Marius C.f. C.n., consul {II}, over the Numidians and king Jugurtha, k.Jan.] {1st January}
[11 lines lost]
{the following line was crossed out, but then reinstated}
98 L. Cornelius P.f. L.n. Dolabella, proconsul, from Further Spain over the Lusitani, 5 k.Feb. {26th January}
93 T. Didius T.f. Ser.n. {II}, proconsul, from Spain over the Celtiberi, 4 id.Jun. {10th June}
93 P. Licinius M.f. P.n. Crassus, proconsul, over the Lusitani, pr. id.Jun. {12th June}
89 Cn. Pompeius Sex.f. Cn.n. Strabo, consul, over the Picentes of Asculum, 6 k.Jan. {25th December}
88 [P.] Servilius C.f. M.n. Vatia, propraetor, [over ...], 12 k.Nov. {21st October}
81 [L. Cornelius L.f. P.n. Sull]a Felix, dictator, [over king Mithridates,] 4, 3 k.Feb. {27th & 28th January}
81 [L. Licinius L.f. ... Murena, propraetor, over king Mithridates, ... ]
[about 30 lines lost]
[62] [Q. Caecilius C.f. Q.n. Metellus Creticus, proconsul, from the island of Crete, ...]k.Jun.
61 [Cn. Pompeius Cn.f. Sex.n. Magnus {III},] proconsul, [from Asia, Pontus, Armenia, Paphla]gonia, Cappadocia, [Cilicia, Syria, the Scythians, the Jews, Alb]ania and the pirates, [for two days, 3, pr. k.O] ct. {28th & 29th September]
54 [C. Pomptinus ..., propraetor, over the Allobroges, {?} 4 non.Nov.] {2nd November}
[about 16 lines lost]
[45] Q. Fabius Q.f. Q.n. Maximus, consul, from Spain, 3 id.Oct. {13th October}
[45] Q. Pedius M.f., proconsul, from Spain, id.Dec. {13th December}
[44] C. Julius C.f. C.n. Caesar {VI}, dictator {IV}, an ovation on the Alban Mount, 7 k.Feb. {26th January}
[43] L. Munatius L.f. L.n. Plancus, proconsul, from Gaul, 4 k.Jan. {29th December}
[43] M. Aemilius M.f. Q.n. Lepidus {II}, triumvir r.p.c., proconsul, from Spain, pr. k.[Jan.] {31st December}
[42] P. Vatinius P.f., proconsul, over Illyricum, pr. [k.Sext.] {31st July}
[41] L. Antonius M.f. M.n., consul, from the Alps, [k.Jan.] {1st January}
[40] Imp. Caesar Divi f., triumvir r.p.c., an ovation because he made peace with M. Antonius [ ... ]
[40] M. Antonius M.f. M.n., triumvir r.p.c., an ovation because he made peace with Imp. Caesar [ ... ]
[39] L. Marcius L.f. C.n. Censorinus, consul, from Macedonia, k.Jan. {1st January}
[? 39] C. Asinius Cn.f. Pollio, proconsul, from the Parthini, 8 k.Nov. {25th October}
[38] P. Ventidius P.f., proconsul, from Mount Taurus and the Parthians, 5 k.Dec. {27th November}
36 Cn. Domitius M.f. M.n. Calvinus, proconsul, from Spain, 16 k.Sext. {17th July}
36 Imp. Caesar Divi f. {II}, triumvir r.p.c. {II}, an ovation from Sicily, id.Nov. {13th November}
34 T. Statilius T.f. Taurus, proconsul, from Africa, pr. k.Jul. {30th June}
34 C. Sosius C.f. T.n., proconsul, from Judaea, 3 non.Sept. {3rd September}
34 C. Norbanus C.f. Flaccus, proconsul, from Spain, 4 id.Oct. {12th October}
[about 17 lines lost]
[28] [C. Carrinas C.f. ..., proconsul, from Gaul,] pr. [id.Jul.] {14th July}
[28] L. Autronius P.f. L.n. Paetus, proconsul, from Africa, 17 k.Sept. {16th August}
27 M. Licinius M.f. M.n. Crassus, proconsul, from Thrace and the Getae, 4 non.Jul. {4th July}
27 M. Valerius M.f. M.n. Messalla Corvinus, proconsul, from Gaul, 7 k.Oct. {25th September}
26 Sex. Appuleius Sex.f. Sex.n., proconsul, from Spain, 7 k.Feb. {26th January}
21 L. Sempronius L.f. L.n. Atratinus, proconsul, from Africa, 4 id.Oct. {12th October}
19 L. Cornelius P.f. Balbus, proconsul, from Africa, 6 k.Apr. {27th March}
Each line in the list of triumphs follows a fixed format, containing the following information:
Glossary of Tribes and Peoples
Aequi | A tribe in the mountains on the eastern border of Latium |
Albanians | A tribe on the west side of the Caspian Sea |
Allobroges | A tribe by the river Rhone in Gaul |
Anagnini | Inhabitants of Anagnia, a town in Latium, the chief town of the Hernici |
Antemnates | Inhabitants of Antemnae, a town of the Sabines |
Antiates | Inhabitants of Antium, a town on the coast of Latium |
Apuani | A Ligurian tribe |
Apulians | Inhabitants of Apulia, in S.E. Italy |
Arverni | A tribe in Aquitania, southern Gaul |
Aurunci | A tribe on the southern border of Latium
Baleares | Inhabitants of the Balearic Islands |
Boii | A tribe of Gauls, who migrated to northern Italy, near Mutina {Modena} |
Bruttii | Inhabitants of Bruttium, in the S.W. tip of Italy
Caeninenses | Inhabitants of Caenina, a Sabine town in Latium |
Caleni | An Ausonian tribe in Campania |
Carni | An Alpine tribe, on the north-east border of Italy |
Celtiberi | A powerful tribe in central/N.E. Spain |
Contrubii | A tribe of Gauls, near the Alps |
Cossurenses | Inhabitants of Cosyra, a small island near Malta
Eleates | A Ligurian tribe, near the Alps
Falisci | Inhabitants of Falerii, a town in Etrura
Getae | Thracian tribe, by the river Danube
Hernici | A Sabine tribe in Latium.
Iapydes | A tribe in northern Illyricum. |
Insubres | A tribe of Gauls, who migrated to northern Italy, near Mediolanum {Milan} |
Istri | Inhabitants of Istria, on the north-east coast of the Adriatic Sea
Latins | Inhabitants of Latium, the region surrounding Rome |
Lavinii | Inhabitants of Lavinii, a town in Latium |
Lucani | Inhabitants of Lucania, in S.W. Italy |
Lusitani | A tribe in western Iberia {modern Portugal}
Marsi | A tribe in central Italy, to the east of Latium |
Medullini | Inhabitants of Medullia, a Sabine town in Latium |
Messapii | Inhabitants of Messapia {Calabria}, in the S.E. tip of Italy
Nequinates | Inhabitants of Nequinum, a town in Umbria, eastern Italy
Palaeopolitani | Inhabitants of Palaeopolis, a Greek city in Campania |
Parthini | An Illyrian tribe, near Dyrrachium |
Pedani | Inhabitants of Pedum, a town in Latium |
Picentes | Inhabitants of Umbria, in eastern Italy |
Privernates | Inhabitants of Privernum, a Volscian town in Latium
Regini | Inhabitants of Rhegium, a Greek city on the coast of Bruttium
Sabines | A tribe based in the mountains of central Italy |
Sallentini | A tribe in Calabria, S.E. Italy |
Salluvii | A tribe on the south coast of Gaul, between the Rhone and the Alps |
Sassinates | Inhabitants of Sassina {Sarsina}, a town in Umbria, eastern Italy |
Satricani | Inhabitants of Satricum, a city in Latium |
Scordisci | A Celtic tribe, to the north of Illyricum, by the river Sava |
Sidicini | An Ausonian tribe in N.W. Campania |
Sorani | Inhabitants of Sora, a Volscian town in Latium |
Styni | A Ligurian tribe, near the Alps
Tarentines | Inhabitants of Tarentum, a Greek city on the coast of Calabria |
Tarquinienses | Inhabitants of Tarquinii, a city in Etruria |
Tiburtes | Inhabitants of Tibur, a town in Latium
Veientes | Inhabitants of Veii, a city in Etruria |
Veliterni | Inhabitants of Velitrae, a Volscian town in Latium |
Vocontii | A tribe in sout-west Gaul |
Volsci | A tribe in Latium, by the river Liris |
Volsones | An unknown people - or perhaps an abbreviation of Vulsinienses |
Vulcientes | Inhabitants of Vulcii, a city in Etruria |
Vulsinienses | Inhabitants of Vulsinii, a city in Etruria |
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