The Cattle-Raid of Cooley (Táin Bó Cúalnge) is the central epic of the Ulster cycle. Queen Medb of Connaught gathers an army in order to gain possession of the most famous bull in Ireland, which is the property of Daire, a chieftain of Ulster. Because the men of Ulster are afflicted by a debilitating curse, the seventeen-year-old Cuchulain must defend Ulster single-handedly. The battle between Cuchulain and his friend Ferdiad is one of the most famous passages in early Irish literature.
This HTML edition pairs an adaptation of the English translation of Joseph Dunn (1914) with the Irish transcription of Ernst Windisch (1905.) You may be interested in:
some notes about the preparation of the HTML edition.
The Story of Mac Dathó's Pig (Coming Soon)
The Cattle-Raid of Cooley
3. The Rising-Out of the Men of Connacht at Cruachan Ai
7. The Youthful Exploits of Cuchulain
7a. The Slaying of the Smith's Hound by Cuchulain
7b. The Taking of Arms by Cuchulain and the Slaying of the Three Sons of Necht Scenè
8a. The Slaying of the Three MacArach
8b. The Combat of Lethan and Cuchulain
8c. The Killing of the Squirrel and of the Tame Bird
10. The Violent Death of Etarcumul
11. The Slaying of Nathcrantail
12b. The Slaying of Redg the Satirist
12c. The Meeting of Cuchulain and Finnabair
12d. The Combat of Munremar and Curoi
12e. The Slaughter of the Boy-Troop
12f. The Slaughter of the King's Bodyguard
13. The Combat of Cûr with Cuchulain
14a. The Combat of Larinè MacNois
16a. The Healing of the Morrigan
17. The Great-rout on the Plain of Murthemne
17a. The Slaughter of the Youths of Ulster
17c. The Appearance of Cuchulain
18. The Slaying of Oengus Son of Oenlam
18a. The Misthrow at Belach Eoin
19. The Battle of Fergus and Cuchulain
19c. The Combat of Calatin's Children
20. The Combat of Ferdiad and Cuchulain
23b. The Accoutrement of the Charioteers
23c. The White-Fight of Rochad
23e. The Deer-Stalking of Amargin in Taltiu
24. The Repeated Warning of Sualtaim
24a. The Order of the Men of Ulster
24b. The Agitation of Celtchar
26. The Decision of the Battle