AIPSIAsosiasi Industri Pompa Seluruh Indonesia (Indonesian: All Indonesian Pump Industry Association)
AIPSIAssociazione Italiana Professionisti Sicurezza Italiana (Italian: Italian Association of Security Professionals)
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Once the CME requirement on biodiesel is set at 5 percent from 2 percent, pump prices will increase by P0.45, based on the study made by Asian Institute of Petroleum Studies, Inc (AIPSI).
The AIPSI study showed that that the biofuels industry would need at least 360 million liters of CME per year if it were to implement B5.
(AIPSI), de la Rosa explained that the biofuels industry would need at least 360 million liters of CME per year if it were to implement the 5 percent Biodiesel Blend.