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Yasufumi Kojima, Shota Kisaka, Magnetic field decay with Hall drift in neutron star crusts, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 421, Issue 3, April 2012, Pages 2722–2730, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2012.20509.x
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The dynamics of magnetic field decay with Hall drift is investigated. Assuming that axisymmetric magnetic fields are located in a spherical crust with uniform conductivity and electron number density, the long-term evolution is calculated up to Ohmic dissipation. The non-linear coupling between poloidal and toroidal components is explored in terms of their energies and helicity. Non-linear oscillation of the drift in strongly magnetized regimes is clear only around equipartition between the two components. Significant energy is transferred to the poloidal component initially when the toroidal component dominates. However, the reverse is not true. Once the toroidal field is less dominant, it quickly decouples due to a larger damping rate. The polar field at the surface is highly distorted from the initial dipole during the Hall drift time-scale, but returns to the initial dipole over a longer dissipation time-scale, since it is the least damped form.
The recent discovery of soft gamma repeaters (SGRs) with weak fields (Rea et al. 2010) has again raised problems related to magnetic field evolution in isolated neutron stars. The activity of magnetars with SGRs and anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) was believed to be powered by the decay of ultrastrong magnetic fields (Thompson & Duncan 1995, 1996). Their surface dipole fields, which are observationally inferred from the spin period and its time derivative, typically exceed the electron quantum magnetic field BQ= 4.4 × 1013 G. The field strength of SGR 0418+5729 is, however, relatively weak at <7.5 × 1012 G (Rea et al. 2010). The critical boundary between magnetars and radio pulsars has thus become less clear and magnetars are not sufficiently characterized by their dipole field strength alone. Their activity may be explained by hidden magnetic fields such as poloidal components with higher-order multipoles or internal toroidal components. In either case, the field strength should be greater than B= 1014–1015 G, since other energy sources are insufficient (see, for example, the review by Mereghetti 2008).
The importance of Hall drift on the magnetic evolution of neutron stars was pointed out before evidence of the existence of magnetars was available (Jones 1988; Goldreich & Reisenegger 1992). The effect, which depends on the field strength, becomes more important in strong regimes where B > 1014 G. Furthermore, Hall drift may induce instability under certain conditions (Rheinhardt & Geppert 2002). The effect has been considered in analytic treatments (Cumming, Arras & Zweibel 2004; Reisenegger et al. 2007) and for plane-parallel slab geometry (Vainshtein, Chitre & Olinto 2000; Geppert, Rheinhardt & Gil 2003; Rheinhardt, Konenkov & Geppert 2004). These studies are useful to understand some aspects of the mechanism, but non-linear numerical analysis is also required to examine the behaviour in more realistic stars. Several simulations have also been performed, assuming that the fields are located in the spherical crust region of a neutron star (Naito & Kojima 1994; Shalybkov & Urpin 1997; Hollerbach & Rüdiger 2002, 2004; Pons & Geppert 2007). In particular, Hollerbach & Rüdiger (2002, 2004) extensively studied the effect in a crust with uniform conductivity and density and subsequently extended the discussion to stratified stellar models. Pons & Geppert (2007) also calculated the evolution in a realistic stratified model with a thermal history. These numerical calculations are based on spectral or quasi-spectral methods, for example expanding angular functions using spherical harmonics. The limitations of such an approach are discussed therein. For example, evolution of a purely toroidal field forms a steep gradient that cannot be calculated (Pons & Geppert 2007). A recent promising approach is one using a finite-difference scheme to examine the non-linear evolution of Hall instability in a two-dimensional (2D) slab (Pons & Geppert 2010). Each numerical scheme has advantages and disadvantages, so multiple complementary approaches are needed.
In this paper, we calculate magnetic field evolution using a finite-difference scheme to understand non-linear Hall drift dynamics. The model is simplified by assuming an axisymmetric magnetic field located in a crust with uniform conductivity and electron number density. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the model and its assumptions are described. Magnetic field evolution is governed by an induction equation with a non-linear Hall drift term. The relevant boundary conditions and initial configurations are also discussed. Sections 3 and 4 give numerical results for two distinct initial configurations. One condition is a purely toroidal field in which the poloidal part is always zero if it is exactly zero at the initial state. This is in contrast to a purely poloidal initial case, for which the toroidal part is inevitably induced. The evolution of a purely toroidal field is furthermore of interest, due to the similarity to Burgers’ equation (e.g. Whitham 1974). Vainshtein et al. (2000) study the problem in a stratified plane-parallel slab, which corresponds to small-scale dynamics on scales much smaller than the stellar radius. The results clarify the local mechanism, but our concern is with the global aspects. How do the results change in a spherical shell like the crust? This problem is studied numerically in Section 3. Section 4 describes a second study related to the evolution of mixed fields with poloidal and toroidal components. Magnetohydrodynamics simulations (Braithwaite & Nordlund 2006; Braithwaite & Spruit 2006; Braithwaite 2009) show that dynamically stable configurations are mixed ones, in which poloidal and toroidal field strengths are of the same order. There is little known about the initial configuration of neutron stars, in particular the location, topology and field strength. If both components coexist, their strengths are likely to be similar. It is therefore important to explore energy transfer by Hall drift between the components over long-term evolution through Ohmic dissipation. Section 5 presents our conclusions.
2.1 Equations
2.2 Initial configuration and boundary conditions
The magnetic field is assumed to be located outside the superconducting core. The crust ranges from r1 to the surface rs. A typical size in neutron star models is (rs−r1)/rs∼ 0.1; this depends on the equation of state and the stellar mass. A slightly thicker crust model is chosen here, r1/rs= 0.75, because this allows an easier demonstration of the numerical results. In an actual implementation it is necessary to use more realistic models that include stratified conductivity, number density and so on, but this simple model is useful for understanding the fundamental dynamics.
2.3 Energy and helicity
This section discusses the evolution of purely toroidal magnetic fields. The system is similar to that of Burgers’ equation, as discussed in Section 2. The initial configuration of S is specified by a single component sl(r, 0) in equation (13). The three models considered here are characterized by l= 1 with b1 > 0 in Model A, l= 2 with b2 > 0 in Model B and l= 2 with b2 < 0 in Model C. The toroidal magnetic field Bφ in Model C has the same amplitude as in Model B, but the opposite direction. These initial configurations are shown, from top to bottom, in Fig. 1. The coefficient b1 or b2 is chosen such that the maximum of |Bφ| is equal to 1, since the magnetic fields in the numerical calculation are normalized by the maximum value at the initial state. The magnetized parameter for these models is .
The top row shows the evolution of l= 1 with b1 > 0 (Model A). Snapshots of the configuration are shown for the initial state (left), the Hall drift time-scale ∼6 × 10−4τd (centre) and the Ohmic decay time-scale ∼2 × 10−3τd (right). Note that the amplitude of s1 decays by exp (− 166t/τd) in the absence of the Hall term (Hollerbach & Rüdiger 2002), so the typical decay time is not τd but 6 × 10−3τd. The difference mainly comes from the choice of normalization length. The stellar radius is used in this paper for comparison with previous works, but the crust size is more appropriate. Thus, τd is rather large to characterize the actual Ohmic decay. The maximum of S at t= 0 is located at r≈ (r1+rs)/2 and θ=π/2 and moves in the negative Z-direction, as shown in close-up in Fig. 1. The drift stops at the outer boundary at several times the drift time-scale. It is clear that the function S at this time contains higher multipole components sl(r, t) in addition to the initial s1(r, t) when it is expanded as in equation (10). Subsequently the shape is nearly fixed, but the overall amplitude gradually decreases with longer Ohmic decay time-scale. Some numerical calculations were performed for longer until ∼τd, but the behaviour after 6 × 10−2τd is well described by a simple exponential decay. The results are limited to the early phase, since subsequent evolution is easily inferred from the extrapolation.
The middle row shows the evolution of Model B (b2 > 0) and the bottom row shows the evolution of Model C (b2 < 0). The evolution of the magnetic configuration is quite different according to the initial sign of b2. The positive and negative regions of S‘collide’ at the equatorial plane in Model B, while they ‘repulse’ each other in Model C. This occurs because the drift is negative in the Z-direction for S > 0 but positive in the Z-direction for S < 0. It is also important to note that the shape predominantly moves in not the θ-direction but the Z-direction (see equation 8). The motion in S is clear in close-ups of steep structure in Fig. 1. In any model, the moved shape decays over a longer decay time-scale.
These results show the remarkable nature of Hall drift, where a different initial sign for Bφ leads to a different fate. This leads to an interesting question: do these different configurations lead to significantly different dissipation rates? If so, the direction of Bφ would have a significant effect. Fig. 2 shows magnetic energy time evolution for three models. The difference between Model B and Model C is relatively minor. A more marked difference is shown for the initial multipole: the energies for Models B and C decay slightly faster than that of Model A. The current is swept to the outer boundary in Model C, but the outer boundary is replaced by the equatorial plane in Model B. In Fig. 2, a curve with exp (−332t/τd), corresponding to the energy decay in the absence of Hall drift, is also plotted for comparison.
Fig. 3 shows the dependence of the magnetic parameter . The initial configuration is the same as that of Model B, the model of l= 2 with b2 > 0. The same figure also shows the magnetic energy for free decay. The damping is clearly strong for large . The Ohmic decay is enhanced in the presence of Hall drift, i.e. current is swept into a certain region where it is effectively dissipated.
In this section, field evolution is studied numerically for a mixed magnetic configuration consisting of poloidal and toroidal fields. The initial configuration is given solely by the l= 1 component for both fields, namely equation (13) for s1 and equation (14) for g1. The maximum of each field is chosen as the same amplitude and the magnetized parameter is . Fig. 4 shows snapshots of the evolving fields at representative times. The colour contour represents the function S of the toroidal field, and lines denote the contour of the magnetic flux function G of the poloidal field.
Oscillatory behaviour is clearly evident in G. Initially, the function decreases with increasing cylindrical distance and the maximum is located on the equator, θ=π/2. The maximum moves ‘upward’ in the meridian plane, toward θ < π/2, until t/τd≈ 1.4 × 10−3 (second panel). It then changes direction and goes ‘downward,’ passing through the equator at t/τd≈ 3.2 × 10−3 (third panel) and reaching a minimum at t/τd≈ 5.2 × 10−3 (fourth panel), before returning to the initial position at t/τd≈ 7.8 × 10−3 (fifth panel). During this cycle, the field strength decreases.
The function S is also oscillatory. The initial configuration contains only the l= 1 component in the angular part (S∝ sin 2θ), which is symmetric with respect to θ=π/2. The state at t/τd≈ 1.4 × 10−3 (second panel) differs markedly from the initial state. The configuration is no longer symmetric and higher multipoles can be seen. The field strength itself is weak around this time. At t/τd≈ 3.2 × 10−3 (third panel), the configuration again becomes symmetric like the initial state but the sign of S is reversed. The l= 1 component dominates there. After the direction of Bφ(=S/(rsin θ)) again changes, the configuration returns to the initial one at t/τd≈ 7.8 × 10−3 (fifth panel). The directional change occurs around t/τd≈ 1.4 × 10−3 (second panel) and 5.2 × 10−3 (fourth panel), which corresponds to a local minimum of toroidal field strength. The overall toroidal field strength also decreases during this cycle.
Fig. 5 clearly shows the oscillatory behaviour of the magnetic energy, which is divided into poloidal and toroidal parts, EP and ET, respectively. The magnitudes of the amplitudes at t= 0 are nearly the same.1 The curve of toroidal energy ET represents a damped oscillation. Local minima can be seen at t/τd≈ 1.4 × 10−3 and 5.2 × 10−3, corresponding to the time of the second and fourth panels in Fig. 4. The configurations of the third and fifth panels in Fig. 4 are those of the local maxima at t/τd≈ 3.2 × 10−3 and 7.8 × 10−3. There is remarkable energy transfer between the toroidal and poloidal parts during the initial phase. Initially EP increases until t/τd≈ 1.4 × 10−3, although the total energy Esum=EP+ET decreases. The sum always decreases due to Ohmic decay (see equation 18). The initial rapid decay of ET is thus partially due to this transfer. Energy is subsequently transferred between the two components in turn, but the behaviour becomes less clear. The magnetic field decays on the time-scale t/τd≈ 10−2, so the coupling becomes weak. The oscillation period gradually becomes longer, since the drift time-scale increases. Fig. 5 also shows the evolution of magnetic helicity H, which exhibits oscillatory damping with Ohmic decay time-scale t/τd≈ 10−2. The change of sign in H denotes an inversion of the toroidal field Bφ, which occurs around the local minima of ET.
The coefficients al of the multi-moments in equation (12) describe the exterior poloidal field. The right panel of Fig. 5 shows the evolution of a few of the lowest values. Higher multipoles are induced until t/τd≈ 1.4 × 10−3, the configuration shown in the second panel of Fig. 4. The poloidal field is no longer dipole at this time. Interestingly, the coefficient a1 is significantly decreased, compared with the initial value, although a large amount of energy is stored in the poloidal part, as shown in the left panel of Fig. 5. The dipole field strength at this time is not a good indicator of the overall magnetic energy. The poloidal field returns back to the dipole at t/τd≈ 3.2 × 10−3 (the time of the third panel in Fig. 4), at which higher multipoles are temporarily zero. After sinusoidal oscillation, higher multipoles decay rather rapidly, so the polar dipole remains at the later time t/τd > 10−2. The behaviour after 10−2τd is rather simple. The magnetic energy is significantly dissipated, so that Hall drift becomes less important. Subsequent evolution in the late phase is described by free decay due to Ohmic dissipation and is omitted here.
Figs 6–9 compare the evolution of energy, helicity and polar multipole coefficients for four models. The initial magnetic configuration is the same as that of Figs 4 and 5, but the strength and magnetized parameter vary. The ratio of poloidal to toroidal fields is 1/4 or 4 in amplitude, so 16(=42) or 1/16 in energy, and is or 100. The right panel shows energy plotted on a logarithmic scale, log10(E), and the left shows helicity H and a few of the lowest multipole coefficients al. Fig. 6 shows the results of a model with , in which the energy is initially dominated by the poloidal part. Polar multipole components are induced through the coupling to the toroidal part, but the dipole field is barely affected. The decay curve is well described by exp (− 55t/τd), which coincides with free decay of the dipole. The energy is always dominated by the polar dipole, and the evolution is described by exp(−110t/τd), a line on the logarithmic scale. The curve of toroidal energy is non-linear on the logarithmic scale but is oscillatory. The minor component is highly affected by the poloidal one but is almost neglected in the dynamics of the whole system. No consequence of the toroidal field comes from the fast decay rate exp(−166t/τd) in the amplitude as seen in Section 4, or from the initial small strength.
Fig. 7 shows the results of evolution in which the toroidal component dominates at the initial state. Compared with the decay curve of total energy in Fig. 6, the damping is much faster. Most of the magnetic energy is initially stored in the toroidal part but decays rapidly. The poloidal component decays rather slowly and dominates at later times. The higher multipole moments are induced and have larger amplitudes than those of Fig. 6. The overall dipole decay curve is nonetheless very similar to that of the large poloidal case.
Fig. 8 shows the results for a large magnetization parameter and an initially large poloidal field. The evolution of the total energy is very similar to that of Fig. 6, although oscillatory behaviour in the toroidal energy is evident. The time-scale determined by the Hall drift is approximately a fifth that of Fig. 6, in which . The oscillatory behaviour is also clear in the coefficients al and helicity H. However, except for the initial wavy structure seen at the Hall drift time-scale, the decay of the dipole field is similar to that of Fig. 6. The dominant component, the polar dipole, is thus not affected by the toroidal field, which never plays an important role because of its rapid decay.
Fig. 9 shows the results for a large magnetization parameter and an initially large toroidal field. In this case, a large amount of energy is transferred from toroidal to poloidal components. Higher multipoles in the poloidal field are induced around t/τd≈ 10−3. The configuration of the poloidal field at this time is significantly distorted, as in the second panel in Fig. 4. The toroidal energy becomes much smaller than the poloidal energy around t/τd≈ 10−2 and both components are subsequently decoupled. After that, the dipole field evolution is determined by free decay. Despite the disorder at t/τd≈ 10−3, the amplitude of the free decay phase, for example at t/τd= 2 × 10−2, does not differ so much from that of Figs 6–8.
Numerical simulations demonstrate how Hall drift changes the current and magnetic configuration. In purely toroidal evolution, Ohmic dissipation is enhanced by accumulated currents elsewhere. The spatial location depends on the initial data, but the energy dissipation rate does not depend so significantly on the accumulation position in our uniform conductivity model. In a realistic case the conductivity will decrease with radius, so most of the magnetic energy may be effectively dissipated near the surface. The results become more sensitive to the initial condition. Energy is, in principle, transferred between poloidal and toroidal components if both are initially involved. It is important for understanding the evolution that the polar dipole is the least decay rate in the absence of the Hall drift. When the polar dipole dominates, it is rarely affected by the toroidal field, which rapidly decays. On the other hand, a significant amount of energy is transferred to the poloidal field until almost equipartition when the toroidal component is initially dominant. Global non-linear coupling is manifest in the Hall drift time-scale only when the corresponding energies are of the same order. Moreover, the poloidal field at the surface and the exterior is highly distorted and is no longer described by a pure dipole field. During this phase, the dipole is not a good indicator of overall field strength. On a longer Ohmic dissipation time-scale the toroidal field decays rapidly, so the coupling vanishes. The polar dipole eventually survives.
The early evolution depends strongly on the choice of initial data, i.e. the configuration and strength. As discussed by Reisenegger et al. (2007), stationary conditions in the presence of Hall drift for an axisymmetric magnetic field mean that the isosurface of S coincides with that of G; in other words, S=S(G), for which the coupling term ∇G×∇S vanishes. This condition is not satisfied in the whole shell region. The outer boundary condition requires that the toroidal component is concentrated in the interior (S= 0), whereas the poloidal one may leak out to the exterior, meaning that G≠ 0 at the surface. The interior poloidal field is described by the value at the surface if the topology is simply connected. The condition S(G) therefore means that S= 0 everywhere, irrespective of G. Our numerical calculation starts with an initial configuration different from ‘Hall equilibrium’ and shows the behaviour up to state S= 0. It may be necessary as a next step to study plausible initial configurations, since little is known about them.
The time-scale is less accurate in our simplified model with uniform density and conductivity. Realistic models are necessary, but the distributions depend on the equation of state and neutron star mass. Assuming that our uniform model is obtained as a result of spatial average of a certain model with stratified number density and conductivity, the time-scale is estimated. The overall normalization constant τd is given by ≈4.4 × 109 (rs/10 km)2 yr, where is an averaged value of the conductivity. The decay time-scale of the dipole is 2 × 10−2τd≈ 9 × 107 yr and that of the toroidal one is 6 × 10−3τd≈ 3 × 107 yr. These numbers are slightly larger, since the crust size in our present model is thick, L=rs/4. The time-scale is proportional to L2, so that the actual values may be smaller by a factor of ∼10−2–10−1. A typical decay time-scale is around 105–107 yr.
The characteristic age of the low-field magnetar SGR 0418+5729 is more than 2.4 × 107 yr (Rea et al. 2010). The dipole field (<7.5 × 1012 G) may decay or survive within this period. However, the internal toroidal field is likely to dissipate more quickly. It is therefore difficult to understand why the toroidal field has a much larger field strength, >1013–1014 G, which is required for activity. One possible explanation is that current age estimates are inaccurate. The characteristic age is normally estimated by assuming a constant dipole magnetic field. The Hall drift significantly affects the surface value, especially at the initial epoch with strong field. As demonstrated in the second panel of Fig. 4, the surface field is highly distorted from a pure dipole. SGR 0418+5729 may correspond to a young phase of oscillatory evolution in which the surface dipole temporarily decreases, but there is a strong internal toroidal component.
This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No.21540271) from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(YK) and from the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (SK).
Values are not exactly the same: because the maximum amplitude of each field is fixed at the same value, the distributions are slightly different.