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| phys. tech. tractive {adj} [attr.] [e.g. forces] | 14 Zug- [z. B. Kräfte] | |
| mil. GI {adj} [attr.] [relating to, or characteristic of United States military personnel, a (former) member of the United States armed forces etc.] | 9 GI- [ugs.] [z. B. GI-Haarschnitt, GI-Kneipe] | |
Verben |
| to pool sth. [resources, competences, forces, etc.] | 692 etw. bündeln [Ressourcen, Kompetenzen, Kräfte etc.] | |
| to muster [people, forces] | 82 zusammentrommeln | |
| mil. to discharge sb. [from the forces] | 44 jdn. ausmustern | |
| mil. to serve [in the armed forces] | Militärdienst leisten | |
Substantive |
| militias [forces] | 222 Milizen {pl} | |
| unleashing [esp. fig.] [of war, violence, market forces, etc.] | 49 Entfesselung {f} [oft fig.] | |
| hist. Wehrmacht [1934-1945 name of the armed forces of the Third Reich, founded in 1921 as Reichswehr] | 28 Wehrmacht {f} | |
| hist. mil. Hilfswilliger [non-German volunteer in the Nazi forces at the Eastern front] | 24 Hilfswilliger {m} <Hiwi, HiWi, HIWI> | |
| hist. mil. [Armed Forces of the Weimar Republic] | 19 Reichswehr {f} | |
| law mil. [military discipline lawyer of the German armed forces] | 11 Wehrdisziplinaranwalt {m} | |
| hist. mil. Private [lowest enlisted rank in German infantry forces designated as Schütze] | 8 Schütze {m} | |
| hist. mil. [member of Prussian and Imperial German reserve forces] | 7 Landsturmmann {m} | |
| mil. naut. [nickname for a German sailor, esp. in the naval forces] | 6 Seelord {m} [ugs.] [Matrose, bes. in den Seestreitkräften] | |
| army [usually: the army] [the military ground forces of a nation] | 6 Landstreitmacht {f} [veraltend] [Landstreitkräfte] | |
| hist. mil. captain [German grenadier forces of the 18th century] | 6 Kapitän {m} [Hauptmannsrang deutscher Grenadiertruppen des 18. Jh.] | |
| hist. mil. reenlistee [voluntarily longer serving conscript, Prussian Forces, German Imperial Forces] | 6 Kapitulant {m} | |
| mil. naut. [nickname of German sailors, esp. in sea forces] | 5 Seelords {pl} [ugs.] [Matrosen besonders in den Seestreitkräften] | |
| hist. mil. [uniform jacket of the Prussian Army, later of the Imperial German Forces] | 5 Litewka {f} [Uniformjacke] | |
| hist. mil. [WW II German female auxiliary volunteer with the armed forces] | 5 Wehrmachtshelferin {f} [auch: Wehrmachthelferin] | |
| hist. mil. Corporal [lowest NCO rank in German infantry forces designated as Jäger] | 5 Oberjäger {m} [Unteroffizier der Jägertruppe] | |
| hist. mil. [a code word for "cantonment", used in correspondence to mask a deployment location in German armed forces] | Ortsunterkunft {f} <O. U.> [Tarnbezeichnung im Schriftverkehr zur Verschleierung des Unterbringungsortes] | |
| mil. [Austrian armed forces] | Österreichisches Bundesheer {n} | |
| educ. [German Armed Forces College] | Bundeswehrfachschule {f} | |
| [German special police forces] | Spezialeinsatzkommando {n} <SEK> | |
| hist. mil. [literally: "chain-dogs", pejorative nickname of uniformed military police units of German forces of the 19th and 20th century] | Kettenhunde {pl} [fig.] [ugs.] [Bezeichnung der Feldgendarmerie in dt. Streitkräften des 19. und 20. Jh.] | |
| mil. naut. [member of the Austro-Hungarian naval forces] | Marineur {m} [österr.] [veraltet] | |
| mil. [nickname of the quartermaster sergeant in German armed forces] | Kammerbulle {m} [Militärjargon] [Unteroffizier, der die Kleiderkammer unter sich hat] | |
| hist. mil. [oath of allegiance of the German Forces from 1919 to 1934] | Reichswehreid {m} | |
| mil. [senior non-commissioned officer in German armed forces, literally "sword knot non-commissioned officer"] | Portepeeunteroffizier {m} | |
| [Soldiers' Non-Contributory Schemes Act (act relating to non-contributory schemes for the German armed forces and dependants)] | Gesetz {n} über die Versorgung für die ehemaligen Soldaten der Bundeswehr und ihre Hinterbliebenen [Soldatenversorgungsgesetz - SVG] [Deutschland] | |
| hist. mil. [the German or Austrian emperor as supreme commander of their empire's forces, esp. in WW I] | oberster Kriegsherr {m} | |
| hist. mil. [three-star general of the artillery branch of German Armed Forces of the 19th and 20th cent.] | General {m} der Artillerie | |
| hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the 19th and 20th cent. German Armed Forces calvary corps] | General {m} der Kavallerie | |
| hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the infantry branch of German Armed Forces of the 19th and 20th cent.] | General {m} der Infanterie | |
| mil. [withdrawal of Federal German military forces] | Bundeswehr-Abzug {m} | |
| mil. [WWII, German armed forces, nickname for graduates of abbreviated training courses] | Notkonfirmierte {pl} | |
| mil. chaplain [in German armed forces during WW2] | Kriegspfarrer {m} | |
| hist. mil. corporal [surplus NCO of a regiment in German armed forces of the 18th century, always officer candidates who hold the task of flagbearer] | Freikorporal {m} | |
| hist. mil. corporal [surplus NCO of a regiment in German armed forces of the 18th century, always officer candidates who hold the task of flagbearer] | Gefreitenkorporal {m} [Freikorporal] | |
| defence [Br.] [defence construction or forces] | Schutzwehr {f} [Schutzkonstruktion od. -kräfte] | |
| hist. mil. Landsturm [Prussian and Imperial German reserve forces] | Landsturm {m} | |
| hist. mil. Landwehr [Prussian and Imperial German reserve forces] | Landwehr {f} | |
| mil. military [armed forces of a nation] | Militärwesen {n} | |
| military [usually: the military] [the whole armed forces of a nation] | Militär {n} [allg.: das Militär] [Gesamtheit der Streitkräfte eines Staates] | |
| mil. poolee [coll.] [US Armed Forces] | [Rekrut nach Bestehen der Auswahltests, nach der Vereidigung und vor Beginn der Grundausbildung] | |
| hist. mil. Private [lowest enlisted rank in German infantry forces designated as Füsilier] | Füsilier {m} | |
| hist. mil. Private [lowest enlisted rank in German infantry forces designated as Grenadier] | Grenadier {m} | |
| hist. mil. Private [lowest enlisted rank in German infantry forces designated as Jäger] | Jäger {m} | |
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