From the course: AutoCAD Electrical: Implementing PLCs

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PLCs in industrial automation

PLCs in industrial automation

- [Instructor] So we're starting a new chapter now, in our AutoCAD Electrical working with PLCs course. And I just want to take you through a bit of background behind how these PLCs, these programmable logic controllers, work. So, you'll notice I've got a nice slide on the screen there, and it just kind of takes you through the workflow of how things work. So, top left there, we've got industrial automation. So that's your nice big yellow robots there, moving around all those car doors on an assembly line, building cars for us, that we drive around on a day-to-day basis. Now, in order for that industrial automation to work, we use PLCs, so if you follow the blue arrow down to PLCs, you can see that's where we are in the workflow. And then we move along, and we're going now towards what those PLCs actually need. And those PLCs need a power supply, a controller CPU, a central processing unit, an input/output system, and the software in the PLC itself, for it to work. So, the software in…
