Popular MechanicsPopular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world. Whether it’s practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science -- PM is the ultimate guide to our high-tech lifestyle. |
801 | |
Motion pictures (Setting and scenery) | |
809 | |
B. C. FARRER, Bruno Richard Hauptmann, Charles Lindbergh (Jr.) (Kidnapping), Identification | |
813 | |
Automobiles (Safety measures), Brakes, Automobile | |
818 | |
Motor boat racing | |
824 | |
Epidemics, Poliomyelitis, Medical research |
882 | |
Fires | |
888 | |
High voltages, SUPERPOWER. | |
893 | |
Dogs | |
896 | |
PROSPECTINGElectric methods | |
901 | |
Radio antennas |
830 | |
Carl Edward JOHANSSON, Measurement | |
833 | |
Gourds | |
834 | |
Racketeering, Radio tubes | |
838 | |
Television | |
840 | |
SAFETY at sea, Shipwrecks | |
844 | |
Panama Canal | |
850 | |
United States Federal Housing Administration, Loans | |
856 | |
Photography, Journalistic | |
867 | |
Fort Niagara (N.Y.) | |
870 | |
Touring theater | |
874 | |
Noise |
902 | |
Portable radio receivers | |
904 | |
Radio receivers (Testing) | |
907 | |
Bookends and bookracks | |
913 | |
Boxes, cases, etc | |
915 | |
Furniture (Maintenance and repair) | |
920 | |
Ice boats and ice boating | |
932 | |
Blinds | |
937 | |
Toys | |
941 | |
Sand | |
947 | |
Chisels | |
952 | |
Metal spinning |
Common terms and phrases
advertisers please mention Air Conditioning auto automobile batteries block boat booklet build camera Catalog chemical Chicago City color complete cost coupon Coyne Dept Diesel dogs drill press drilled driving earn easy edge electric engine equipment experience fastened fire FREE BOOK gauge block glue guaranteed handy heat hole Jig Saw Lathe light machine marking gauge Meccano ment mention Popular Mechanics metal method motor mounted Ontario Ontario St operate Outfit paint Patent picture pipe POPULAR MECHANICS PRESS postpaid profit Pyroil Radio rail Ratlines RCA Victor removed rubber School screw Scroll Saw Send shellac ship shown in Fig side speed steel surface TAXIDERMY tion tool tube U. S. Patent Office wheels wire wood Write today writing to advertisers Xylorimba