During April 2005 a trial excavation was conducted at the site of Barqa (North), in Gan Yavne (Permit No. A-4443*; map ref. NIG 1717–21/6318–21; OIG 1217–21/1318–21), prior to the construction of a residential neighborhood. The excavation, on behalf of the Antiquities Authority and financed by the Gan Yavne Administration, was directed by H. Torge, assisted by A. Behar and S. Ya‘aqov-Jam (administration).
Several excavations were conducted at the site in recent years (HA-ESI 112:100*–101*).
Ten squares were excavated in an area of three dunams. Nine of the squares were devoid of any ancient finds. Two rows of three stones each, oriented east–west, were uncovered in one square. Parts of long bones, belonging to an adult individual, were discovered below one of the stones in the southern row. The manner of burial and its direction indicated that this was a modern Muslim tomb, which was not excavated due to opposition of the Ministry for Religious Affairs.
Near to the northern row of stones a tin pendant, similar to jewelry of modern veils, was discovered. It was probably part of a modern burial that may have belonged to the Arab village of Barqa, which was located here.